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Tuesday 15 September 2020

Love Posts: Learning of Conscious Love - (3860)

The other two types of love, the sensual and the emotional are ones which we don't have to learn at all. Human beings know all about that already. It is programmed into our instinctive centres. 

We see at certain times children acting by their instincts, taking on sexual like positions in their interactions with other children, they do this without ever having being taught because it is part of the animal nature that we have inherited from nature. The sensual love is that of an animal nature concerned mainly only with the instincts. 

There are movies and novels that try to teach us love, but I prefer honestly to be educated by the esoteric teachings, the initiatic science and by the work. I think a serious person would not pay much attention to what society says and what the romance novels and movies say.

We human beings don't know much about conscious love. That is one of our biggest tasks - to learn conscious love and to learn how to love consciously.  

In our essence and consciousness are the principles to know how to love consciously.

So then the dissolution of the egos that we have provides us with the learning we need to love consciously.

To fast track our learning the egos such as lust, attachment, jealousy and self-love which all mange the value of love are ones that we can focus our work on to more quickly develop conscious love.

End (3860).

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