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Tuesday 15 September 2020

Love Posts: Using the Power of Love - (3861)

How do we use our love?

To just feel love is not enough we have to know how to use it. We have to love that is for sure, but we have to know how to use love. That is very important, if we don't know how to love we ruin love.

Love and wisdom are the best pair. Love is the loving force and wisdom is the knowledge and understanding of how to use love. They need each other and together they are the power.

I think that we would agree that a good use of love is one that benefits both people and takes them to a higher place within themselves.

A love that when used, dignifies both, purifies both, increases love in both, helps both to understand each other and themselves is a wise use of love.

The moment, timing in love is a factor worth knowing about. Usually people rush together and crash over the edge of the cliff and then they can't stand the sight of each other after that. That wasn't such a good use of love. What about taking time, allowing the love to be cultivated so to grow to a more elevated level and be made strong at that higher level so that it can then attract light. 

Of course love can not be elevated without both transmuting the energies within themselves single or married.

Love has to be used to nourish the higher nature of those in love, not the lower instinctive nature, not the animal nature. We all know naturally so well how to do this, please the lower nature of others. Both men and women are experts in that.

Human beings act in a way to please their lower nature and the lower nature of others by complementing them about their looks, serving/buying good food, sexy gestures, sexy words and voices, and revealing clothing etc. All those things do not do too much good for the soul, do they? They nourish the instincts, the personality and the egos of lust and vanity more than anything else. So then how about actions that benefit the soul?

Pleasing the lower nature of others is to get the selfish needs of one's own lower nature pleased. As soon as we think about the other person leaving behind our own lower nature desires (lust) we are beginning to elevate our love.

Imagine we link the people we love to our Being, psychologically and esoterically. If we do that we are going to really enrich love as it is connected to the source - the Being. Imagine we converse to our being through the people we love. We then link them to our Being and we sublimate our energies easier because we are connecting with the source.

End (3861).

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