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Sunday 20 September 2020

More Calm Required to Go Behind Bothersome Thoughts - (3867)

Thoughts arise left, right and centre. Some are quite bothersome. Some neutral and some positive. Some that disturb us, some that make us cringe, some that make us anxious, some that anger us, some that hurt, some that calm us, some that make us smile, some that make us look forward to things etc. etc. the list can go on.

Knowing, knowing and knowing helps. 

To get a bit behind the thought, to know a bit more where it comes from, and a bit more what makes it feel uncomfortable is what is important. That knowledge is what changes and saves the day. That has to be the only focus!

To get that knowledge we have to be calmer, quieter and more alert, but a relaxed alert.

If we can't see what's behind or in the thought we need more calm, more quiet. that's our hindrance or blind spot, not enough calm.

Thinking about it, analyzing it does not help a great deal here. That's more mental noise, which does not allow us to see. We need to perceive, to catch the meaning of the thoughts.

When the thoughts disappear, we just have to wait relaxed and alert for them to come again so to try and catch something more about them.

We think that problems are real and are outside of our mind! Gnosis says the problem is in our mind. Forget the problems and the problems disappear says Master Samael. The situation still exists but not the dimension of problem, it is the dimension of problem that bothers us the most, not the situation.

End (3867).

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