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Wednesday 30 September 2020

Sensual Pleasure Burns Energy and Real Pleasure Comes from Work - (3887)

Real pleasure comes from work and not so much from the senses. I think everyone knows this, but chose to ignore it.

There is a reason for why real pleasure comes from work, and that is that work creates and builds and invests paying forward into the future. If the work be for the soul, the soul is strengthened, enlivened and grows enhancing the possibilities of it being brought forward further and further into the future to grow more and more.

With the pleasure of the senses so much energy (energy in general not just the sexual energy) gets consumed to experience that pleasure. That pleasure is always so short lived, and it leaves one consumed, dipping considerably into one's reserves. Instead of multiplying and enhancing and bringing good new things into the future it brings less and less energy into the future. If there is less energy there is less will and if there is less will there is less of the new that can happen or be created. Meaning there is less power to struggle against recurrences, entropy, karma, difficulties, obstacles, the egos etc.

For the person wishing to grow his or her soul, to sacrifice, limit or curtail the pleasure of the senses may hurt briefly in the moment but it is wiser, as it pays off much more handsomely than experiencing a short duration of pleasure and being handicapped later on for a much longer time. 

End (3887).

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