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Tuesday 29 September 2020

Recurrence Notes - (3884)


Talk coming up soon about this topic. Here are some notes. Feel free to post them, copy them, cut them, paste them, add to them etc. as you please. They are not mine, they come from Gnosis, I just typed them.


⚡A law of life, a law of nature, a law of the cosmos. 

⛬ Life is round. Existence is all round. Time is round. Karma is round. Karma is processed in time and space and so if time and space are both round karma has no other choice but to be round. 

🔱 Recurrence is another word for karma.

⚡Recurrence is then based upon cause and effect.

⛬ There is a cause for each and every recurrence.

🔱 They actually form a link in a chain of cause and effect. The effect of one recurrence sets up the cause of the next recurrence. Recurrence is nothing other than a big cause and effect chain.

⚡In a recurrence there is a reckoning that takes place. The reckoning of balance.

⛬ Recurrence brings two or more people together to cancel debts from the past.

🔱 Recurrence works on a subconscious level.

⚡It is one of the most powerful of all forces that influence human beings. When there is a great karmic debt behind the recurrence it is almost impossible to resist the recurrence. 

⛬ Recurrence is the law that acts to cause one to repeat what was done once before.

🔱 If the first action be neutral with no negative consequences then the recurrence is weak. If the outcomes were positive or negative the recurrence is strong.

⚡There are both positive and negative recurrences.

⛬ Recurrences can be broken. 

🔱 Recurrences can be strengthened.

⚡Recurrences unfold on a spiral. Either downwards or upwards. as people do not work on themselves they unfold of a downwards spiral, becoming more involved, complicated and negative.

⛬ Before they are broken they are weakened and process themselves on an upward spiral.

🔱 They are broken when the cause for them is erased, or at least stopped from manifesting.

⚡The different "I's" we have are the causes for the recurrences and they are also the main actors in the recurrences.

⛬ The recurrences orbit our psychology like a comet passing by every determined cyclic time period.

🔱 We can know a recurrence is coming. 

⚡ Each recurrence has a special identifying flavour to it.

⛬ Our work is to overcome and break recurrences so to be truly free.

🔱 The quality of relationship with our family members is dictated by recurrence.

⚡ Wise advice is to refrain from creating new recurrences and transforming the ones that we already have into light.

⛬ Recurrences also have a duration of time over which they are played out. Just one day, one week, one month, a few years etc.

🔱 There are even fatal recurrences. Those are the real sad ones. Where people travel to a place just to die, for example.

⚡ We can be saved by the Being and the Law of certain harmful recurrences all because we are working on ourselves.

⛬ We have recurrences on the level of our centres. For example we may just have recurrent thoughts that never become actions. Recurrent desires and feelings. Recurrent nostalgia etc.

🔱 Recurrences create cycles as well as vicious cycles.

⚡ Recurrences use subconscious telepathy to arrange encounters of karmic debt balancing. 

⛬ Law of Recurrence is more powerful than the law of affinity and correspondence.

🔱 What recurrences await us? Those which we are creating and strengthening now and those related to the egos we have in our interior. Plus those unknown to ourselves.

⚡ Recurrences are definitely come under control once a person is successful in completing the fifth major initiation of fire. That is when the casual body has been fabricated and the fire of kundalini has been fully developed in it and the inner Being has control over that body and then can determine causes over and above recurrence. 

⛬  When a Gnostic person travels it is very wise to ask for protection because one never knows what recurrences await in foreign places.

🔱 One way to be protected against recurrences is to raise one's level of the Being. The level of Being naturally protects one from recurrences that were processed on an inferior level of Being. For example, a person had a terrible incident take place in a certain country and when one travels there again if one is at a higher level of Being the same nasty incident won't take place in the same way that it did previously.

⚡ Master Samael said that Egypt, the Aztecs, the Maya, Persia, Rome and Greece will rise again in all their splendour by the Law of Recurrence but in a much superior octave.

⛬  Recurrences and eh Law of octaves work hand in hand. 

🔱 Entropy also works hand in hand with recurrences.

⚡ Recurrences contribute to creating new egos and strengthening ones that we have already.

⛬ Recurrences can be negotiated with the Divine Tribunal of the Law. Modified that is in our favour if we have the merit.

End (3884).

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