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Tuesday 22 September 2020

The Morale Bereft Line - (3873)

There really exists a line within us, it is a kind of a boundary within our psychology. It marks out a zone whereby what we do within that zone still does not compromise the integrity of our self-image. 

Thoughts, feelings and actions outside of that zone begin to comprise the integrity of our self-image and we then lose morale, and that is a serious question.

A person losing morale is really not too nice at all and it brings some serious consequences for the person.

Even there is a line when we fantasize too much, think too much, manifest the ego too much...We lose morale and we have to start again.

Usually when we cross over this line, something in our mind says: "I'm really stuffed now, I've crossed the line, stuff this, roll in it, get worse who cares!". To think like that is not all that good, would you in all fairness agree? For example, we get irrationally angry and feeling that we crossed the line, we go for more, pure anger with momentum gaining, illogical and destructive...  

All degeneration or rapid uncontrolled momentum of a negative ego begins when we cross over this line. When people do something that breaks their notions of decency and what they feel is upright and what makes them feel good (in general and about themselves), a certain gate to a highway opens to slip down onto.

If we listen to the stories of people who went down into a rough patch of things, there was that decision point. "I was gambling and bet a bit too much and lost it all then, what the heck gamble it all". "I'm down in the dumps, what the heck let it all go, stuff my job, stuff my body, stuff my family, I'm going dark". They did something that broke that line and they gave in and unfortunate circumstance after the other followed. Maybe even the circumstances forced them to break that line but still having broke that line opened the gate.

We think "I'm already in the broken zone, so what the heck!". This is not good logic. Sound logic says stop because going further, it will only be more difficult and we will lose control. The ego will become a bit like a demon within us, really hard to control and taking on a life of its own within us. 

What awaits us if we don't stop, is going to the extreme. When we get to the extreme we get the knowledge of the extreme. The extreme is when we hit our brick wall. Maybe we can go further but our system does not allow it - that's our particular extreme. 

Hitting the extreme we snap out of it and knowledge arises of what's there for people at the extreme. We learn about where happiness really is. We finally learn that the extreme is not in the cosmic order of things that bring contentment or consciousness. It makes us to think that there must be another way. It doesn't eliminate the ego, but it gives us a reminder of where happiness is not. We learn that any extreme is destructive for anybody. What's left is to eliminate the ego. 

While we have the ego alive, it is always critical to perceive this zone or boundary and be aware not to cross it. Say if we do cross it the best thing to do is to not think like: "I've stooped too low and what the heck go lower and wallow" but to hit the brake hard and recover. 

End (3873).

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