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Wednesday 23 September 2020

Love Thyself to Love God - (3874)

The way to love our Being is through ourselves. To send our love to the Being we have to go higher up in ourselves and from there send our love. You can only embrace those higher parts of yourself and really go there when you love them. Like loving the virtues, the values,the soul, the consciousness etc.

How for God's sake can we be in our own abyss identified with some rubbish ego hating ourselves and the whole world, and trying to love our Being. Ah come'on, just nonsense - too stupid to even think about.

It just does not make sense to love the Being and not yourself. But of course loving yourself in the right way.

To love ourselves in the right way is to take care of what enters ourselves and to take care of what happens within us. To hate another is to poison ourselves first, to accept all sorts of negative impressions is to make us harm ourselves also, that is not love but we are so stupid, we allow all that in and hold grudges, resentments and negative concepts left right and centre. 

When we love ourselves in the right way we make a nice dwelling for our Being inside of ourselves and we call our Being closer.

We sometimes make the mistake thinking that we don't need the Being for our life and you know being honest, we don't really, we can do all the things of normal life without the Being, like shopping, driving, working, socializing etc. but for our inner life to be beautiful and harmonious and in order and balance, we need the Being. 

We need to bring the Being into our interior and make It the centre. The Being is our head, the central point of our circle and when the Head is not present everything goes awry. Just like the good old saying, "the mice will play when the cat's away" and when the teacher steps out of the classroom the students run amok. The Being is the 'cat' and the 'teacher'. So banishing the Being brings chaos and confusion sooner or later to our interior and then to our outer life.

I find that the best way to keep our Being in our centre, at the head inside of ourselves is by loving It and to love It we must love ourselves. Love ourselves but in the right way.

End (3874).

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