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Saturday 26 September 2020

Times of the End Things Making You Crazy - (3877)

Maybe just maybe hearing about all these things to do witht the times of the end and relalted to that makes you go banaanas. Many different thoughts and ways of taking it can appear in people. We can get like so down that we can't bear to hear anything more about those things or we just don't want to care about that anymore.

We think: "there's no time left, I'm not in the picture, nothing to do now, give up, some people forget about it, but I can't its important, what should I really do about it?, It's too late for me" etc. It's all me me me isn't it? Noticing that is not a bad thing. Read on.

Well anyway, have you been in a plane and felt that irrational fear that the plane could or should crash? So you feel that fear and then you look out the window, you hear the engines roaring strong as, the wings steady as, the plane intact and rock solid, the people inside all happy and relaxed watching movies, and you think "why isn't it dropping out of the sky yet?", and then you think "now that I am thinking these negative things I'm going to make it drop", but we look again and the same engines are still roaring, the same wings are as steady as. 

So its just the same, we wake up and look aoutside, the sun is glorous, the birds singing, cars driving past, our work routine is there, this document has to be written, we are breathing, our stomach says where's breakfast, the cat's meowing like no one's business, oh wait oh no the ego is still alive - I've got this day to give it some working on.

Sometimes taking one day at a time is a good policy, using the day to sincerely to satisfy/calm that inner urgency of putting in a decent effort. An effort directed towards one's interior, to make it cleaner and more orderly.  To shed more light into our interior and to make something that is wrongly alive to die for something new and correct to be born.

That's respect those end of times things but still do ouirslves the favour of cleaning, purifying ourselves to eb able to feel the rightful plenitiude of our souls in the days that our Being has given us to work for it and enjoy it!

But then you say, Ah shut up I need to know when it will really happen to put my mind at rest. Ok so who will tell you when it will really happen. No one right? So just keep looking and if and when it is going to happen it will be apparent. You don't see it yet, then relax. There's plenty of work to do and your Being is there waiting, It will not go anywhere, even if the world is collapsing.

End (3877).

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