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Saturday 26 September 2020

The "Don't Care About Anything" State - (3876)

There are these funny states we get into at times. Well what is the most importnat thing is that we notice it, we larn something about it and then we move out of it. To be stuck is the problem! I re-iterate, to myself more than to you, that the real most important thing is to notice, learn and jump out.

We may find ourselves not having that will that we had just a few days ago, not having that emotional energy connected to our nervous system, feeling tired, just not 'into' pushing forward with anything or doing anything requiring extra effort than just sitting, finding our system not interested in wanting to know about having to do this, having to drive towards this, fight for this, if you want this you must do that, if you don't do that then this issue will arise, things are hard and you have to fight otherwise you will never get there etc. Sometimes such a state is accompanied by a lack in faith. 

The thoughts that arise when we see ourselves feeling this way are not the issue, they are projections, extrapolations, often negative and pessisimtic in character. They are not going to happen they are only projections and seeing them as negative projections certainly keeps them just as projections that we soon forget, and that don't become reality.

This could mean a short repose is needed of lesser activity. A repose does not mean stopping, but works of lesser intensity. Works that don't pressure the mind, which could mean activities that use the mind less. 

The mistake when feeling ill is to not take any medicine. So when we feel like this (as described in 2nd paragraph), we are not feeling all that well. So some medicine to get better is more a good thing than a bad thing.

Medicine is something that relaxes the mind and feeds the essence. There are many positive activites that do that. Ponder carefully and chose wisely. Sometimes we don't chose wisely we chose something that the ego feeds off and we feel worse.

Just small steps, the mantra OM imagining the blue light in the heart with the mind relaxing is wonderful...

The time comes that the small steps work and the state passes. Always something to learn and to fix in our consciousness and in our resolutions for next time. 

End (3876).

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