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Sunday 18 October 2020

All Comes from Below - (3910)

All the force, energy, wisdom etc. comes from below!

How strange but so true. That's why it is so important to work below to transform and purify below. With the purification of it comes out its true values to shine.

The Kundalini comes from below, the sexual force comes from below, the energy from our digested food comes from below, light comes from below from within the abyss, purity comes from below, the realisation of the Being comes from below, and the list goes on...

Even the Gods come from below. They are all master Samael says gestated within the abyss.

Things above are sustained by the transformation of the below.

The work of purifying our Jesod goes directly in a straight line to our Kether to the crown of our tree of life. The purer our Jesod the more light Kether has in his halo, and consequently the more light he has within us, so says the Kabbalah. 

Where does our Being's realization come from? From us and we are below.

The moral of this story is to not roll in the mud below but descend into and consciously transform it. Big difference between the two. Roll too deeply in the mud and you may never get out, and if you do you will have to clean yourself off if nothing else for years.

End (3910).

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