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Sunday 18 October 2020

Solution: Intervention of Conscious Emotion into Brain and Sex - (3909)


Another post along a similar line to the previous one. Writing carefully, choosing my words. I'm not writing for anyone's lust here, but for the comprehension of the essence in relation to this topic. 

Lustful Brute Ego

The normal way of functioning of the lustful brute ego/egos is to see an opportunity of something in the field of sensuality, and generate in the brain the thought that it as an opportunity to be pursued, taken etc. This ego sees it as a way to get a hold of the 'so popularly desired' sensuality, which promises sensations in the sexual centre and emotions in the emotional centre which it sees as highly desirable, good, fulfilling, satisfying, comforting etc. according to all the conditioning in the world. 

(As an aside the brute ego has never really experienced the superior sensations of the sexual center operating outside of desire - if it did it would change its beliefs that those 'so desired' sensations in the sexual centre are the most desirable thing).

The brute ego rapidly impulses the sexual centre into activation and the brute ego moves towards its object of desire. Of course all very selfish and all based on very narrow, ignorant and brutish thinking. I say ignorant because this thinking ignores the way the true values of his own essence works in his human machine. These values are his essential human nature that even though he is ignoring them right now, one day he will have to recognise them and reckon with them.   

If the man recognises his brutish intentions and resists, then later the brute ego/s will try again appealing to his emotions, painting in a positive light the prospect of pleasant emotions. This idea passes onto the emotional centre and the emotional centre gives its support, impulsing the sexual centre into action and once again the brute moves towards his target. This new strategy is especially pronounced when there is some kind of emotional wound or deficiency present in the person that he is looking to relieve the discomfort of. 

When dealing with so many egos patience is the key because among many qualities it is largely endurance, which gives us the amazing power to deal with these emotional issues that we often try to alleviate in the wrong way making things worse for us. As these ways do not deal with the cause but only the symptoms and the means of these ways produce inconvenient side effects, just how drinking numbs the discomfort but harms the body, problems often easily arise and they take on a more complicated dimension and so on and so on.  

Solution is Emotional Centre

The solution lies in using the emotional centre, bringing it into the dynamic. But bringing the emotional centre into the dynamic vibrating in the right way or containing the right values. Brain and sex function together and the emotional centre gives its support or disapproval. If the right values be in the emotional centre those values of the essence will cause the brain to modify its thinking and upon doing that it will modify its impulses to the sexual centre. Then it will seek a better more edifying way to deal with the sexual centre if needed.  

The emotional centre is the balance point of the human machine and it is the determining factor so many times. If we put the right values into it, it will lead our actions according those values. Sometimes it takes a lot to learn what the right values are. Those values are not at all foreign to us they are innate in us and come from our own essence. Whereas the false values don't come from us they are borrowed from magazines, articles, media, other people, society, etc.

End (3909).

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