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Sunday 11 October 2020

How we Get Rid of the Unpleasant - (3903)


Here are some ways that our mind tries to get rid of the unpleasant thoughts, emotions and sensations that arise in us.

Just before I list them, if we know what our mind does we can switch to what our essence does. Sounds promising doesn't it?


The mind uses aversion. Aversion is not the best strategy in dealing with the unpleasant. But the mind still uses it.

The feelings of aversions are contraction, discouragement, self-pity and bargaining.

The remedy is to be totally clear and open to the arising and feeling of it. Consciously watching it, conscious attention.

If we don't open up fully to it, we feel fear, then it gets worse, and we start to ask how long will it last and we feel even more nervous. 

We can use bargaining in our mind. We think: "I'll work on it, observe it, understand it and be conscious of it and open to it if it goes away". This does not cure it.

The remedy to aversion once again is clear conscious openness. Recognition without judgment.

To be open means to not even see what hurts or bothers us as a block, or as something harmful. 

When we think we will practice to get rid of a block. We are still in a kind of aversion. We need the most powerful non-judgement capacity to be totally open.

Everything on the level of mind and emotion in us is impermanent, all these unpleasant emotions come and go.

We get aversion with the past and with things that have not happened yet. We paint these scenarios and images in our mind and then we get scared of what we paint.

End (3903). 


  1. VM Samael said that the Viparita Karani Mudra can be used to pay Katancia. Is there any particular stage of the work where this is possible or can it be done at any level?
    How do we pay debts owed to the Holy Spirit? Besides transmuting and dying, can the Sacred Rites for Rejuvenation be used to accelerate this payment?

  2. I think it can be done at any level. Though at some levels it maybe much more important to work very intensely with this to pay certain debts so to be able to go further. For example at some level a particular may not appear but at others it does and it is so causal so karmic that we have to use the 'the wall'. If we feel stuck by karma we have to work really using whatever means. Don't let that stop you! The main thing with debts against the Holy Spirit is to erase the cause which was the ego of etc. etc. you probably know which egos it was. The practice of 'the wall' can help in transmuting, in dying and also in connecting to the Holy Spirit. So it is ideal, very good.
