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Sunday 11 October 2020

Masculine and Feminine in Prayer - (3904)

Here is something new to do with polarities between us and our Divinity.

When masculine and feminine come together, each one becomes active in its nature. The masculine becomes active and emissive and the feminine becomes passive and receptive. Right got it, can't deny that.

So if you are a man and you want more of the qualities of the masculine in a given moment, then you are wanting your masculine principle to rise and so then we must pray and connect to our Divine Mother, to the eternal feminine. Because when we connect to Her, She being the eternal Divine feminine, the masculine principle in us becomes active. Then praying to Her asking for those qualities makes us to receive them. We think that we should pray to the heavenly Father in secret for those masculine qualities but praying to the Father does not quite do that, it makes other qualities more active in a man.

If we are a man and we need tenderness, care, consideration in a given moment for an activity or interaction etc. we need to pray to the Father, because we want the feminine part of ourselves to take a bit more precedence in us.

The same applies to a woman. If we are a woman and we want to balance our feminine qualities out a bit with strength, courage, activity then we are looking for the masculine qualities in us and so we must pray to the Divine Mother, because with that connection to her She will make them more active. 

End (3904). 

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