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Sunday 11 October 2020

Some Interesting Notes on Desire - (5239)

Desire has many different forms. We need to know this because without knowing we can't cure anything. So they range from an life overtaking obsession to attachment, to addictive craving, to recurrent fantasy to a passing want of something.

Desire comes from the pleasant nature. We experienced a pleasant thing and so we desire it again.

Where is desire taking us? Is a good question to ask ourselves!

Desire does not satisfy us! This we have to know. We have to know this down to our bones.

Not to be driven or caught up by desire. This is our goal to do with working on desire.

Joy of renunciation. Is a good means to work on desire.

Addiction to a desire is the burden and renunciation is the freedom. We must see renunciation as the freedom. Normally we see desire as the freedom to seek comfort. But renunciation is the freedom and the joy.

Desiring everything is hell. Peace is letting things pass by.

Desire distracts, detracts and disturbs. Imagine watching all these TV commercials and desiring everything that is advertised, that would be so awful. Letting them pass by is freedom and peace. 

Commercials in the mind are what harm us. Well forget TV we have commercials going on in our own mind and that is what we desire the most. 

Fulfilling a desire can lead to more suffering. We need discernment to know that and find that out. Desire promises happiness but it neve delivers. We have to know this in our bones. We have enough experience to draw upon.

The worst illness to cure is the one caused by the remedy. Which is all about desire. The illness is desire but then we take the object which we desire to cure ourselves but it does not cure us. It makes us to desire more and more. So to cure desire we have to use a different remedy! Divine Mother!!!

End (5239).

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