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Thursday 8 October 2020

What the Binger Needs - (3900)

So I've just finished writing this weird post. I'm asking myself where did this came from, obviously from me, but why, I'm not in that difficulty. Anyway here it is maybe someone will get some benefit from it.

Before reading it is good to know, that there are many binges from the subtle (thinking, fantasy, planning etc.) to the gross (drinking, gambling, sex etc.), they all really are the same, except for their consequences, but leaving each one of them follows the same principles. 

That's an impressive breakfast.

The binger, deeply underneath it all wants self-control. The binger yearns deep deep down to find the special key within him or herself that will cure him/her and give him/her that control. Not that control of sheer will power but the control of deep comprehension that fuses nicely into the very essence of the person healing that gaping and aching wound or that strange something that escapes us. 

Having not found it, the binger dives in again hoping to find it, believing it is to be found in the depth of the mud. Even believing hitting rock bottom will provide the key. Sometimes that is not enough the wound is still there. Waiting to be healed with that special key. Well, maybe rock bottom can show us what we really want for ourselves and that the mud is not salvation or happiness but the key still evades us.

Diving again hoping to do better next time to redeem that lost self-control but that doesn't work either. The method is all wrong. The intention is there but the method wrong. 

The keys of others helps a lot but sometimes it isn't the magic fit. Close but it just does not quite do it. Sometimes the keys of others hit the spot, just two or three words sets you off on a profound trail of discovery and healing that wound. So search and search through what others say is helpful too.

The key is to be found in the depths of our psyche, but through self-observation, through non-identification. Not through rolling in the mud. When we identify we lose the chance to get information.

The worst illness to heal is the one where the remedy contributes to the illness. This is what happens to the binger. The desire is there and the remedy is to fulfill the desire, but once the desire is fulfilled the desire increases to want more and the vicious cycle begins. The binger is stuck in a real rut. The solution is to hold firm and burn in the smoky flames, read on a bit.  

What happens then, is that the binge can't be stopped, control has been long lost, so the intelligence of the instinctive centre in the body stops it. Feeling sick, pains everywhere, unwell, exhausted etc. resetting the whole mind-body system.

The binger has to learn that rolling in the mud will never cure him/her. But stopping is the way and then waiting with real resolution for when the desire next appears. When it does in those moments of desire catch what it really is wanting, what problem that desire is trying to solve. 

Stopping is control and control attracts control. In esotericism like attracts like. Light brings light. Darkness brings darkness. etc. Rolling in the mud is darkness attracting darkness.

Stopping is to be burning in the flames but that burning is sacrifice which opens the door to the new so that light can enter. That’s where we see the strength of the spirit over the flesh - the body and its desires screaming through our emotions, disturbing our stillness. 

We need something to pay for the light to attract the light. The holding ourselves in the flames of the desires, is the sacrifice that pays for the light. Rolling in the mud doesn’t pay, it may attract some nasties instead to help show us how to roll better without ever getting up.

Bingeing then flagellating oneself, I don’t know may be that pays but the greater value is stopping and intensely observing, profoundly comprehending, holding firm knowing the rolling in the mud does not have the answers.

End (3900).


  1. You have written this post for me and I am grateful.

  2. May be that it Is why it just rolled off the mental tongue onto the keyboard. There was someone ready to receive it.
