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Wednesday 21 October 2020

Personal Sufferings as a Conditioning Factor - (3912)


This post follows on from a previous post about conditioning factors. Personal sufferings is a conditioning factor occupying a place in a long list. It is a very powerful conditioning factor and for that reason alone merits a closer look. Hence this post.

Personal Suffering as a Conditioning Factor Notes

💘Let's look for them inside of ourselves. We honestly have them even if we think that we don't.

💘We don't have them until we have consciously looked, found and worked on them until they have been dissolved. Until then they lurk within us.

💘They are things that easily make us to suffer right now in a few minutes. They are things that in the past have made us suffer. Rejection, abandonment, humiliation, physical abuse, betrayal, deceit, exclusion etc. 

💘Because of the suffering that we felt in the past, powerful memories were made. These memories tell us "don't repeat that". Avoid that!

💘Because these personal sufferings are memory, these memories occupy a place in our mind. These memories being painful are powerful and by the Law of Affinity operating in the mental world they produce thoughts and beliefs. Beliefs such as: "there must be something a miss with me", "why so much suffering", "how unfortunate I am", "how much I give and get nothing good back" etc. 

💘Personal sufferings create fear or aversion.

💘The factors of personal sufferings lie in waiting within our subconscious. Not too deep within our subconscious. They can leave the subconscious in an instant and exert their influence.

💘These conditioning factors appear quickly and impose a way of seeing and interpreting. Because of these conditioning factors we can't see something in a different other way.

💘These conditioning factors often produce an exaggerated response in us.

💘These conditioning factors influence they way we think. Freeing ourselves means that we forget the past, we are able to see present things independent of the past, our current thinking is not influenced by aversion and inner fighting and our mental background is lighter free of that backdrop of suffering.

💘These conditioning factors repeat the statements: 'how I have suffered" and "I am going to suffer". These conditioning factors always work to make their mission statement happen.

End (3912). 

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