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Tuesday 20 October 2020

Solar Plexus Notes - (3914)


The solar plexus is very important and worth a dedicated study. This post is only a prelude to such a study that if so desired one can take up.


🌞The solar plexus is a very intelligent centre and it is more than worthy of being called a brain.

🌞There is a very strong link between the brain and the solar plexus.

🌞The solar plexus is where our energy is stored. It is our own personal battery.

🌞Master Samael says that the solar plexus is where all the energy that we transmute accumulates.

🌞The umbilical chord is connected to our solar plexus. The womb is located in the solar plexus, and Master Samael says that any "I" that we create is formed in our solar plexus.

🌞It has much to do with formation and life. It is called solar because it is related to the sun and the sun is the one which makes life possible.

🌞In the solar plexus through action of something which Master Samael calls the ideoplastic (a power of forming via imaging present in the solar plexus) and with the accumulated sexual energy new "I's" are formed.

🌞When for some reason, we suffer a shock or a great impact the accumulated energy in our solar plexus is discharged or depleted and we become all weak, shaky at the knees and want nothing more than to collapse or lie down.

🌞The best feeling of well-being we can have is when our solar plexus is charged with energy. Naturally being charged with energy we feel a very deep relaxation of the solar plexus area. When our energy levels are low we feel agitated, restless, unable to concentrate and are easily irritated.

🌞This is why we naturally guard our solar plexus because if someone would want to deplete our energy the best chance that they would have is to do it via our solar plexus. 

🌞The solar plexus charged with energy, feeds the brain.

🌞The solar plexus receives information and connects us to many different networks of information.

🌞The solar plexus is a radar receiving dish that receives various kinds of radiations and mental waves from the cosmos and the Earth. 

🌞It is very different to the mind. It is what really penetrates. It is also related to emotion. Its element is fire. Master Samael says that the emotional centre is the one which allows us more comprehension and allows us to go deeper. So the solar plexus plays its part in that too.

🌞Using the Choc Mool practice mentioned in the Perfect Matrimony by Master Samael we can charge our solar plexus up with energy. If we charge our solar plexus up with energy we also charge up our whole body.

🌞The solar plexus is related to fire and the emotional centre. The solar plexus allows us to penetrate into the object of mediation much easier. The brain can only name things, organise things, imagine things but the solar plexus allows us to feel that thing, which is a new kind of knowledge, very different to what the brain can capture. Fire is universal and the solar plexus is capable of capturing the universal essence of things.

🌞Via the solar plexus we can perceive the conversations and musings of people that we know. we can know what they are thinking before they actually tell us. We can perceive someone coming to visit us through our solar plexus.

End (3914). 

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