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Monday 5 October 2020

Purity Posts: 6.) Fire and Water - (3897)

When it comes to the question of purity or impurity or crystal clearness, the two elements of fire and water are the most important.

Fire is the purest of the elements and always remains pure. The essence, the soul, the spirit are all a fire. They remain pure. That is always why we work with fire so to purify ourselves. The purity of the fire does not get corrupted by our impurity. It instead always transforms what is impure into something of its own nature which is pure.

Fire consumes or transforms things, things don't get stuck into fire, Fire rather acts on them transforming them into what it is, which is liberated energy. It liberates and sublimates. Which is what purity does for us.

Water on the other hand is very different. It actually is like a container, we can put things into it, that is dissolve things into it thus making it impure. Water easily goes from being clear to being grey, muddy and murky.

So we don't ever have to purify our fire, but rather bring the impure into the fire to be transformed and the most important thing to purify within us is our waters. 

Imagine a house for example, the most important thing to keep pure in the house is the water supply.

We actually use the fire to purify the water. Just as in life, pure water is distilled water which can only ever happen due to fire, i.e. boiling the water using heat.

Of Couse our waters are our sexual energy. This is, where if we purify our sexual energy our purity really begins. This is where spirituality begins.

End (3897). 

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