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Monday 5 October 2020

Purity Posts: 7.) Purity and Ignorance - (3894)

Take a young child, they have some purity and they act that way. Principally due to not knowing things. In other words due to ignorance. Of course they do have some innocence as well.  

However in this day that does not last long at all. The purity of ignorance does not last long. It is temporary. That does not really interest us.

A new born child so pure etc. but what has it done in its past lives, obviously things that did not come from a crystal clear psyche. Well we don't really know. But anyway what is in front of us is the essence and that is something pure, but as soon as the "I's" enter the human machine that all changes.

For purity there has to be light. Light is consciousness. Light separates impure from pure and allows the choice for the pure to be present. Light and choosing the light makes things crystal clear. 

An ignorant pure person can easily make the wrong choice and be in the murky zone within oneself., and therefore act with blurry mixed thinking and feeling. An ignorant person even though they have some purity they do not know what he or she is doing. 

A person could be a virgin, yet have a head full of real rubbish or not have. Yet a person could have their sexual experience and have a head that is relatively clear of rubbish or a person could have their experience and have their head even more full of rubbish.

So as a conclusion, seek or bring the light and choose the light. Then naturally we will be crystal clear inside.

End (3894).

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