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Monday 2 November 2020

Practical Repentance Notes - (3934)

Repentance is a door. A door to higher states of consciousness and levels of Being and to paying debts owed redeeming the soul.

Our repentance, our remorse is something that opens that door.

That door can always be opened no matter what we have done. 

Karma is always what closes the other doors except the door of repentance.

Karma is any block, any obstacle, any imbalance, any pain, any suffering...

Master Samael says that there is more joy in the white lodge when a repentant sinner enters than when 10 000 righteous enter. 

To deal with karma the first step is that of repentance.

Before repentance there is recognition and acceptance of responsibility for our karmic debts.

We can't always see where our debts come from, but we can see and feel the effects of the debt. Just like we receive a fine in the mail and we can't remember how we got it, but we still have to pay it.

There is a three step process to pay karmic debts when appealing before the Divine Law.

1. Repentance

2. Negotiation

3. Pardon

Taking responsibility and repenting and beginning to pay with persistence in our facts opens the door to negotiation which when we have paid the debt accords us pardon.

Repentance is of the essence and the heart. The essence recognises at first and together with the heart it repents. This duo of essence and heart is powerful.

End (3934). 

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