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Monday 2 November 2020

Sun Notes - (3931)

This post is just a container post, holding the notes I plan to use in a talk about the Sun I'll be giving at the retreat.


The words from Master Samael that speak about how the Sun is doing an experiment, wanting to reap a harvest of solar men are the impetus for this talk.

Those words come from a lecture he gave titled the "The Harvest of the Sun".

This talk is an explosion of points, esoteric in nature related to the Sun, hoping to shed light on that one point mentioned above from Master Samael.

The point that Master Samael mentions, implies the Sun is responsible for the creation of: the human race so as to reap a harvest of solar human beings. In a large way that statement also implies that the Sun is the guide of a human being's realisation and the goal of realisation is the solar nature.

The origin of the Earth is in the Sun. Master Samael says that the Earth is a piece of the Sun. All the minerals and elements we have on the Earth come from the Sun and are found in the Sun. If we analyze sun light we will find that it contains spectral lines from most of the metals that we have on Earth.

The Solar Logos is the one who is behind creation. The Sun Master Samael says is the one who has a secret interest in creation. Master Samael says that He the Sun would not create a planet like the Earth just to revolve around itself for the sake of it. There is a special reason why the Sun created the Earth.

Within the Sun is the intelligence and the Laws that authored creation. The raw material for creation came from the Great Mother but the intelligence and Laws and the sustaining laws and intelligences all reside in the Sun.

The ORS solar system is where we live, move and have our Being. Meaning our Being is related to the Sun. As the Sun is the governor, the director of this Solar System, the Being as the director of our microcosm is also aligned with the Sun, governor to governor. 

Our Being is our interior Sun. The Sun and our Being are very related to our heart. In our body our heart represents the Sun. 

The heart beats like the Sun non-stop and is constantly at work sending its love in the way of nourishment through our blood to our organs and recovering the contaminated blood to have it cleaned and once again enriched with nutrients to be sent to the organs.  

Creation and the system of worlds, planets and galaxies are organised by the Sun. They are all governed by a central Sun. Where several lesser Suns revolve around a greater Sun.

The constellation of Leo is related to the Sun and to the Law. Within the Sun is the Law. As the Sun governs so it is there that the strong hold of the Divine Law must be.

The Sacred Absolute Sun created via the three forces the Ors Solar System. The Sun is a representation of the three primary forces.

From the Sun we derive a trinity of: light, warmth and life. Without the Sun there would not be any life. all life is dependent upon the Sun. 

The Sun is the one which was there before us and will be there after us. Therefore the Sun is the one which will never abandons us. 

The Sun wishes for our realisation. So that we may join its life immortal. Based on that we can ask the Sun always for help in our endevours of realisation.

The Sun nourishes itself from the Ain Soph Aur where the Sacred Absolute Sun resides. The Sacred Absolute Sun is the midnight Sun, it is Its Being from where it derives its energy that It transforms and sends to us.

The Sun is pure and because it is pure it is so luminous and powerful. It maintains its purity and by means of its purity it sends life of the best Christic quality to us.

Each ray of sunlight is a shopping trolley, containing light or information, life, warmth, nourishment...don't we feel a natural joy at sunset when the sun rises victoriously over the horizon, doesn't a natural enthusiasm spring forth in us to greet life. 

We have in the Sun our psychological and esoteric model. The Intimate Christ has been said to be the prototype of psychological perfection. If we follow His principles and characteristics we will get things right in our life.

The Sun is at the centre, the Sun teaches us the law of the centre. Which is to be with the light, our consciousness all the time, or as much as we can. It teaches us about self-remembering which is what it does drawing forces from its spiritual part - which is the midnight Sun the Sacred Absolute Sun.

The Sun was the author of the transmutation. The Sun was the first one to transmute. The Sun is the author of transmutation. Which it uses as a way to nourish itself while continuing to give more and better. 

The Sun is a perfect practitioner of all the yogas.

The spirit of the Sun is the spirit of the Cosmic Chirst.

We have to be like the sun is in our psychology.

We have to love as the Sun loves. Follow the advice of the Sun in relation to love.

Each group is a Solar System. Each master or instructor is a Sun. The Sun can not leave its orbit to favour another planet otherwise it would be a disaster for the Solar System.

The Sun's main power is penetration. With penetration it can pierce all the way through all of creation., With its penetration it can heal, help and guide the creatures of creation. 

The Sun is a trinity of light, life and warmth. People are so cold and need the warmth of the sun to hold them up.

The heart and Tiphereth are related to the Sun. That is our heart, our will and our soul.

If we focus on those centres in us we can better relate and speak to the Sun.

The Sun has the function of causing seeds to germinate, that is to bring things to life. The Sun wishes to reap a harvest of Solar men. 

The seeds of the solar man of the Sun are in our sexual energies. With His principles we can draw them up into life.

The Sun is intelligence. The way of the Sun, the Solar way is the way of intelligence.

The Sun is the creator of civilization. The journey of the sun sets the time for each race. When the solar system completes its journey through the Zodiac belt a race on the Earth has reached its end. This takes 25 968 years.

The Sun has much to do with our realisation. Why not pray to It.

The correct point of view is the heliocentric point of view. With this point of view we can go closer to the truth. With the geocentric or lunacentric pint of view we are further from the truth.

The sun is ever constant, always present, gives the same to all creatures, no matter their level of Being. Sends light and love. Always shining and teachings.

There are two special tattwas in activity during sunset and sunrise. they produce a very specials feeling in the essence when hey vibrate. 

The symbol of the Sun is the dot within a circle. It is telling us the we need to seek our centre, our summit which is the Being in us  - our particular Sun, which is always what the Sun does.

The Sun tells us not to be afraid, to give and give and even though you think that you will be burnt out giving by the same law of the Sun will cause you to receive and be invigorated and renewed. 

The Sun gives us warmth. With warmth we are complete. With cold we are in a state of wanting. We want warmth. We are all so cold in life. We are always wanting warmth from friends, from relationships, etc. from hugs, kisses etc. When we bring in the Sun we can acquire warmth which is love. We have to find our love. When we are warm we feel to take off some layers of clothing and we do and then we can reveal our truth and shine in our truth.

End (3931). 

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