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Thursday 3 December 2020

Delete Reference Points Related to Our Sexuality - (3963)

One day, a person will say to themselves that they have to delete from their mind and everywhere else every outside reference point to do with their sexuality.

This is a very good thing to do. This thing will set one free from so much subconscious pressure, from so much skewed vision, from so many problems...

If we do delete from our mind all these reference points we will come into direct contact with our sexual energy. We will relate directly face to face with our sexual energy not via some reference point. This is the best position to be in.

Doing this means no more comparison, no more imitation, no more pressure from our subconscious to be like this or that etc. etc.

The direct face to face, level and united contact will give us all that we need and have been wanting, but could not arrive at because the reference points we adopted eluded us. Sometimes for just too long.

It is the reference points that we have accumulated in our mind that skew everything. They put us into a certain position or place in our mind and looking out from that place things skew. 

What are those reference points?  

As said above they are mental places, outside of our own sexuality. They may manifest in our mind as movements to imitate certain images, identities, forms and then that produces feelings, attitudes, poses, words, ideas etc.

When we focus on those reference points they separate us from our natural sexuality. While standing mentally in those reference points we are not united or integrated with our sexual energy. Then this is where the problems arise from.

As soon as our mind shifts to one of these reference points or positions we are away from our natural state.

End (3963).


  1. You've written in one of your older posts that one's sexual energy belongs exclusively to one's own internal God, his Being. This synthesized everything in one sentence, and how even a tiny, insignificant thought is a violation of this. It was very nice.
    Your post on the three types of love was also very helpful.

    Also, in The Three Mountains, we read that Master Samael's Mother recriminates him: "You have replaced me with other women".
    This really put things into perspective. The quality of my life enhanced greatly when I understood this.
    Truly, only when we EXCLUSIVELY love our own Gods (the Father-Mother in us) above all, do we learn to love everything else.

    1. Thank you very much for expressing these really important realisations. They are very helpful and to men and I am sure anyone who reads them.
