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Friday 4 December 2020

Loving our Sexual Energy - (3964)

We all end up naturally loving our sexual energy...That is where our strength comes from.

Also it is our guide and our protection. Love guides, protects and organises. So loving our sexual energy guides us to use it positively, to protect it and organise it within ourselves which means in many ways to set ourselves up to purify it. 

That is a profound point. Almost a lips to ears type of thing that every student has to know about and develop.

It is the magic lever that helps you to transmute and transform the waters and keep the energy sacred and look at it that way and look after it that way (as sacred) for your beloved Being.

We can focus on loving it why not. I would start any way I could. I wouldn’t wait. If we have come this far we have some love already. We just need to find that love and apply it to make the love for the sexual energy grow. 

Love is consciousness, to love it we have to be conscious of what it really is. 

Studying about it, all that we can. Reflecting and understanding how integral it is to us, how much it is at the core of our Being.

Then sending it our love when we transmute it. We can pray to it and we are not wrong doing this. If you are scoffing at these words you have not understood what your sexual energy is yet. It is not something that is as yet alive, intelligent, real and integrated into your psychology as the source and force pulsating at the core of your Being. 

Our love for it starts when we emanate our love to it. Then things reciprocate and that love grows. 

End (3964).


  1. Reflecting on this... We are taught love is the only value which can not be given, it must be created.
    We are taught that the Absolute is love. Is love the foundational value, from which the other values are derived, which is why it must be created and can't be given?

    By sending love to the sexual energy from Tiphereth, we are magnetising it back to the heart with reciprocity in the value.. but we are also taught that two opposite poles are needed to create. Are Yesod and Tiphereth considered opposite poles in this sense and uniting the two when transmuting the sexual energy to Tiphereth, creates love? -SW

  2. Hi S.W there is love in the Being, in our essence, it has to be freed, awakened. Receiving love does not always mean we are activating the solar nature of our essence. But when giving we are activating it, thus we are exercising it and creating it as well.

    That makes sense to me that when we voluntarily give love, from the heart we are magnetising our heart for reciprocity. They could be opposite poles I have not thought of that before but when transmuting Jesod is active and Tipereth is active and that creates the transmutation, and transmutation is an expression of love for the essence for the Being. The energy we transmute goes to feed our essence - love nourishes. Usually imagination is said to be an opposite pole to will.
