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Saturday 5 December 2020

Psychological Isolation - (3965)

We need to do this - isolate ourselves psychologically.

Except we don't know who to do this. Maybe just I don't know, but if you know leave a few comments to help me out a bit.

Psychological isolation means to be with people but be able to shield our psychology so that the impressions from people don't enter into our psychology where they can feed our egos, create new egos, bring up the subconscious and drag us into identification etc.

How do we shield ourselves? Well we can reduce the effects of not being isolated after we are full of impressions by comprehension, meditation and work with the Divine Mother but what about doing it on the spot.

Gnosis says that we need to be in self-remembering having our consciousness present to take the impressions. Not all that easy to do at times especially in difficult circumstances etc. You know heated, hectic, rushed, argumentative circumstances.

That's really the key we have to have our consciousness present by whatever means. So when we go to talk to some people we have to prepare ourselves by being in self-remembering right from the moment we start talking, or maybe just when touching a certain subject.

Another key is to not take anything personally etc. Understand that there is our psychology and then there is theirs etc.

End (3965).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. psychological isolation = Non-identification
    To not be identified with anything, is to be awake.
    We, the consciousness, must isolate our selves from our psychology.
    This is the only way we begin to have the Consciousness and Being, touch. Then later, Unite. Then much later, Integrate together.
    Our psychology, as it is, can never even touch the Being because it is Always trapped in Duality of all kinds.
    The Being is not duality, but unity.
    As long as we try to understand the work and the Being through our psychology, we will not be able to do so. We may have dreams or "experiences" due to our earnest reaching for the Being and the work. but we will still be trapped in concepts and only find frustration, difficulty and misunderstanding, which can easily be traded for another misunderstanding later on and so forth. It is only the consciousness awake and free(isolated) from our psychology, that will be Illuminated by the Being, and be successful in his work.
    We, the essence, must work tirelessly to isolate from our Psychology because we are Not our psychology!
    And We, the consciousness, are only interested in coming to know what we really are.
    To be identified with what I am not, is antithetical to our work To Be what I AM. What I AM is freedom, and our psychology is our prison.

    How? We'd rather die than live in prison a moment longer..... That's How.
    We grasp the keys and walk right out the door, no matter how many steps it takes.

  3. Please read and reflect on this carefully.

    Rather than focusing on psychological isolation, please occupy yourself only with DISCOVERY, COMPREHENSION and ELIMINATION.

    Discover as many aggregates as you can everyday, meditate on each one of them (or as many as you can). And obviously, ask for elimination.

    You say you need "psychological isolation". But my friend, what you mean is the total transformation of every impression in your mind, whether it comes from outside or inside.

    (Impressions from inside come mainly in the form of memories)

    So what you are really looking for is 100% transformation of impressions. Because only when you are able to transform any and every impression the external world or your own mind throws at you, then you eradicate all possibility for the creation or existence of egos.

    Mind you, the transformation of impressions must happen exactly at the moment when the impression arrives. That is how an impression does not create or latch on to any ego.

    Now, we ask, how can we achieve 100% transformation of all impressions that arrive to us? That is only possible when one eliminates the psychic aggregates.

    It is extremely urgent to study the entire "Revolution of the Dialectic". Profoundly study the chapter "Transformation of Impressions". Your answer is over there.

    Also, pay attention to the last sentence of the chapter called "Comprehension".

    I hope you have your answer.

  4. Thank you very much for your very helpful comments. Much appreciated. Very grateful for your help. Honestly it has helped a lot. Would be good to make acquaintances with you both.

    1. You are already "acquainted with" one of us ;)

    2. So who could it be that I am already acquainted with?
