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Monday 25 January 2021

3 Churches and 3 Circles - (4037)


This is an interesting teaching from Master Samael.

Not a bad talk topic. So here are my notes for one day, should I give such a talk.

It is good to define what a church is first of all. Obviously the word 'church' has a Christian connotation. In this talk I am going to use it broadly, in the sense of a church being a temple and people that go to that temple. 

Three Churches

They are the:

1.) Failed

2.) Militant

3.) Triumphant

The Three Circles

They are the:

1.) exoteric

2.) mesoteric

3.) esoteric


The failed church is that which has failed in its attempts to fulfill the real religion. Which is to take its people back to God. A long time ago it was overcome by the inferior nature and powers within man (the ego) and all that remains is a doctrine which lacks the knowledge to return to God.

The failed church represents humanity at large and belongs to the exoteric circle of spirituality. That is that which is outside - an entirely outside focus. The physical building and the link between its people has all to do with meeting at the physical building. The real sense of the teaching about man being a temple of God is forgotten.

Nothing has an internal meaning within the failed church. In fact there only ought to be the militant and triumphant churches not the failed.


Those that are fighting, working to relink themselves to God. Those who are working to build their interior temple. Those who know the keys of the three factors. They are the Gnostic people and others who are working with the same knowledge and principles. 

They represent the mesoteric circle. They are a transition between the exoteric and the esoteric. They contain elements of both the exoteric and the esoteric, but headed more to the esoteric to the triumphant than to the exoteric or failed.


The people who have fulfilled the true religion. Those who are linked to God. They have constructed their interior temple. They exist mostly internally but also physically. They have their temples and they comprise the Gnostic Church, which is the church that has the knowledge, the science of God. All the white temples form a network which can be termed the Gnostic Church.

They represent the esoteric circle.

End (4037).

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