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Monday 25 January 2021

Making Affections Spiritual - (4031)

Here is a rough idea. Take it on board if you like, and adapt it to your nature as you feel entirely necesary.

One feels the love one has, however it may be. One then looks for the quintessence of that love. Which is that part that is noble, that is: fair, pure, honest, decent and well-meaning etc. That part is not: selfish, ill-intended, tainted with the senses and sensations etc. That part may be very small but none the less there will be something of it.

Then take that quintessence up to the Inner Being. Breathe in deeply drawing that quintessence up the spine through the brain and into the heart where we can then surrender it, handing it over to the Inner Divinity.   

Then from the heart extend it to the person silently giving them your blessing, wishing many Divine beings and angels descend unto them, to guide them, protect them and illuminate them.

End (4031).

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