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Thursday 28 January 2021

Analysing: "Love God Above All Else" - (4046)


I think that to understand "to love God above all else" a bit of analysis is very helpful. This post is a practical analysis.

What Happens if We Don't Love God Above All Else

Let's see what happens. Two major things happen among many other smaller things. 


The first thing that happens is that in the run of loving something more than our Being we end up forgetting our Being. 

As our love, our virtues, our values all come from our Being, forgetting our Being means that we stop consciously feeding those values. When we stop remembering our Being we stop sending those values back to our Being, where they are strengthened and returned by reciprocity to us a little stronger and a little more stepped up in quality. As we stop feeding those values they begin to weaken and as always when something weakens something else becomes stronger. 

That something that becomes stronger at the expense of our  values is a kind of a shadow which brings many uncomfortable feelings, such as: degrees of emptiness, degrees of inner disorientation, a certain vexation, a certain confusion, that general insipid feeling about life, dependence, lack of meaning, degrees and variety of emotional pain etc. etc.

When we stop loving our Being we do so via negative transactions against our values. We begin to lose them. We see this in life all the time. When we lose our values only ever pain and suffering awaits us. This is a great truth, this is why we are all fallen and the results of being fallen are suffering and pain.

We forget here that our love is really self-love, this is really all that exists: self-love. We love others through our Being, all human beings do and will always do whether they know about it or not. The wrong self-love caught in relativity is to love through others which is always painful. That has to be dissolved. 

Loving our Being above all else allows our love to grow and sustain us. When we love something more than our Being we will degrade ourselves and set ourselves up for a tremdous fall into dispair when that something has to go, as everything in the end that is not our Being has to go. Even our own body has to go, but our consciousness and Being will never go. So it makes sense to begin to really love our Being above all else. This actually something that the common person will say is wrong, but well the work goes by different principles.  


We may think it is entirely noble and divine to love something more than ourselves and that is right in certain cases, to love something above our inferior nature is right, is a wonderful sacrifice, but to love something more than our Being well that is not quite right, believe it or not. I wish to talk about this in this second point. 

We may love a zebra for example, and love it all that we can, and as we are imperfect making our love imperfect, we will want at some point that that zebra love us back. That that zebra will feel at least something about our gift of overwhelming love.

As we can't control the inner feelings of the zebra it may not return or appreciate our love and so we are left upset because we sacrificed ourselves, we lost a bit of ourselves, we went more and over ourselves to give that love, and so to get that love back we hurt the zebra directly or we hurt ourselves to try and hurt the zebra indirectly. The mistake there was that if we loved the Being above all else we would not have lost ourselves, and felt that we had overdone ourselves because we would have done it for the Being in us or through the Being in us without that feeling of going against ourselves. This is the origin of resentment and many different psychological debts.

The love that says I can't live without you or I only exist for you is not really completely true. Sorry I know this is a hard and cold thing to say but read on a little. I have heard this spoken a few times and I have always received it or listened to it respectfully and taken it with sincere appreciation, but the facts show that that the same person will not give up their vices for the love of us. So it is a love but not a realistic one, but if the person loved their Being they would be very interested in giving up their vices for those that they love so much because that will allow them to to love them better.

End (4046).

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