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Thursday 28 January 2021

"Love God Above All Else" Done with Pride - (3481)

We can try to love the Being above all else with our pride, feeling that by doing loving the Being above all else, we are above everything even above having to be concerned for our fellowman. 

Sooner or later such an attitude, as it is not truly loving the Being, because it hasn't been  it will 'shoot ourselves in the foot' and that pride will turn to bitterness.

To truly do this, that is love the Being above all else, is not easy, and requires first much study to understand its value and then much work to do it.

Even glimpses of it are enough to appreciate its power and how it sets us free and diminishes many wrong psychological attitudes and sufferings.

End (3481).


  1. I, personally, think that it is the most important thing - to love God above all else.

    As a lover by nature, my heart has always sought fulfillment in love. Of course, when we have ego, all forms of 'love' that we try to give are rooted in darkness. And, therefore, I suffered very much.

    However, in this life, as I was working on myself, a marvelous moment came when I realized that my fulfillment lies in the love for my Being, my beloved, my Intimate. It is only by loving God above all else that my heart can find contentment.

    As I progressed, I understood that cognizant love must manifest as action, otherwise it is not love. If one loves his Being above all else, one will obey his Being above all else. One will do whatever is necessary to get closer to his Being; and that is to die! die! die!

    A time came when, at the feet of my God, I was ready to drop all my desires, including my desire to get closer to him, including my desire to work in the Great Work, including my desire to die.

    My God shall do exactly as He pleases and I will but humbly obey.

    1. Thank you very much for such a comment. That is the only way: die! die! die! Nothing else speaks for love of the Being louder than die die die!
