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Wednesday 27 January 2021

Balms for the Soul - (4043)

Live one day at a time. One day we can manage. The future we may not be able to manage looking at it. But what this day has in store for us we can manage. The future looks bleak but the day certainly doesn't. There's something quite ok about the day. All the days we have lived one day at a time put together takes us through the difficult times. To be true we only live moment by moment. We don't live the future we live the moment.

Wisdom is a balm for the soul. Seek out wisdom. Read from books that express wisdom; the esoteric and human wisdom of all times. Read from Master Samael, from the masters, from the initiates, from the bible, from people who have passed though and overcome difficulties etc. etc. Wisdom is chicken soup for the soul. 

Seek refuge in the interior Divinity. Go quiet and travel intimately to the inner temple. Using imagination, concentration and relaxation, stay there, blending prayer and presence in the heart temple for as long as necessary for the requited balm to enter the soul.

Deep concentration only on breathing. Only breathing - doing the simplest most essential thing. Taking in vital life giving air and exhaling all the stress and worry of the day.

Changing centres is very effective. If we have our intellect or emotional centres troubled then engaging the motor centre is very helpful.

Everything passes. At some point later on, a person looks back at things and when looking back, the hardship of it all, the difficulty of it all, has long passed and new challenges are there now in front of us to be faced. Life is like that a continuous flow of problems to be solved.

End (4043).

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