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Tuesday 26 January 2021

Logical Confrontation of the Being: So Useful Worth a Try! - (4042)

Master Samael makes mention of something he calls: 'the logical confrontation of the Being". When I read that I went "what does that mean?".

Here is a short explanation that gives a possible way to do it.

It means basically as the term suggests, to bring two things face to face or side by side. That is one thing confronts another thing. A negative state confronts a positive state for example.

It is not really contrast but rather a method of combat. Contrast provokes understanding and provides light but confrontation causes one thing to back off and the other thing to come to the front.

We always want a negative state or negative thing to back off in our psychology.

In the sense that Master Samael mentions it, we confront the ego with the Being, or better said with the relevant quality of our Inner Being.

For example, we can confront any "I" of lust with the sexuality of the Being, pride with the balance and majesty of the Being or greed with the moderation, contentment and limit respecting nature of the Being. 

We may also confront any negative state with all the good things we have in our life, all the good things we have experienced, all the good things we have received from others and given others, all the good things that have come to us from Gnosis, all the good things that have come from our Inner Being etc. etc.

It is really a powerful tool, that I respectfully think can be useful to you at one or another point in your life and work.

End (4042).

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