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Wednesday 6 January 2021

Justice a Line and Injustice a Spectrum - (4008)

I have been thinking and really injustice is what we live in. Take it easy though, read on before getting upset.

Justice is such a fine line. Such an exactitude. So mathematical that we have no way really of knowing if we are exactly just.

We can be just with money. A mango costs $3 and we pay $3. Perfect that's justice.

But if someone helped us, advised us, taught us, smiled at us, how can we pay that back exactly? We may try and we may pay back too much or too little.

Anyway injustice is a huge spectrum on either side of the line of justice.

On one side of the line of justice there is the negative injustice, the abuse, where we take much more than we give. On the other side there is the positive injustice, where we give more than we take.

The above is something very important to know in the way we relate to justice.

Really that is where we as Gnostics live. Turn the other cheek is exactly that. Mystical death is exactly that - living on the positive side of injustice.

Mystical death transcends justice. In fact in order to die we have to go beyond justice. Dissolving resentment is to forget justice, to forget the debt, to wash it away. To appeal to mystical death is to appeal to a higher power that promises us freedom if we pardon or let go of that justice or debt. 

Mystical death is to go beyond the trivial justice to fulfill the justice of the Being, which is a higher justice which entails restoring justice within, which means to restore the unity of the essence, integrated it into one unity. So the real justice we need is the one of the Being that is a higher justice. Not entirely the physical one.

So really we have to watch out for the when the physical justice affects our inner justice! That is our watch point!

Even love is unjust. We fight a lot against that, but it is unjust, when we accept that we get calm.

In practical life right, the line of justice is not really so evolutive or loving. An eye for an eye. Does not really cause a transcended way of loving or a kind of evolution. But yet it is justice.

It kinds of stagnates, it does not allow to us to reach higher, that is to embrace higher planes. But he positive injustice allows us to transcend to go beyond until we need to get completely free where we can't owed and we can't have anything that we owe.

End (4008).

1 comment:

  1. Inspiring read! one quote I really like from the legend of Atlantis documentary made in the 90´s is: "Life doesn't need people to fulfill karma" This points to the fact that the universe is perfectly equilibrated, indeed it will always seek to balance out the scales. Any subjective interference with this already perfect balance will produce karma. Ok and you can say sometimes we have to stand up against people who are conducting injustice etc and thats right, but I think the point is made. When looking at the world how people behave it is clear that many people behave like judges and great equilibrators of the force and that they have got it right. Thy know who should pay and how. This is not the role of humanity to be judges and it never was, and frankly we should be glad for that. indeed, life doesnt need people to fulfill karma
