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Sunday 10 January 2021

Ideas of Lust in the Mind - (4009)

Lust in the mind is just a ideas of what to do with the sexual energy.

Those ideas appear because there is sexual energy and the role of those ideas is to provide a use.

All those ideas are defeated with transmutation.

When the sexual energy has been transmuted the ideas disappear. But still the egos that project the ideas have to be dissolved by the help of the Divine Mother.

End (4009).


  1. "Those ideas appear because there is sexual energy and the role of those ideas is to provide a use" This is a very useful line. Comprehending that this energy needs an outlet provides a better understanding of it. It is like electricity. To fight lust in the mental plane willpower must be applied. it is good to apply breathing techniques when we feel sensual sensations, but to really stop lust in the mental plane we have to make conscious use of willpower from moment to moment. I often meditate on lust imagining that im burning it away with the kundalini in my meditation practises. this seems to have an impact on the lustful attacks in the mental plane.
