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Thursday 21 January 2021

Seven Types of Man and Solar Man Notes - (4033)


Just some notes for these two lectures.

All seven types of men look the same on the outside, but inside they are very different.


🌟In esotericism there exists a very broad esoteric classification of human beings.

🌟This classification is the seven types of men. 

🌟Repeat - it is not a human classification but an esoteric one. We all nonetheless find ourselves in one of these classes.

🌟The classes are man number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

🌟There is a dividing line which is at man number 4.

🌟Before the work we are either man number 1, 2 or 3. The work produces man number 4, 5, 6 and 7.

🌟A person may have qualities that approach man number 4 and in fact maybe very much close what man number 4 is, but authentically man number 4 is the result of the esoteric work and is the bridge for man number 5, 6 and 7. 

🌟Man number 4 knows that he or she is working to be man number 5, 6 and 7.

🌟Man number 1, 2 and 3 are: instinctive motor, emotional and intellectual.

🌟Man number 1, 2 and 3 each have their centre of gravity in the centres mentioned above. They are unbalanced and use the human machine in a mistaken manner. 

🌟We can find out which man number we are or were by analysing our life from the view point of an overall centre of gravity in life or the work and in the centres. Which centre do we use the most?

🌟Qualities of each man basically follow the characteristics of the centres. As the centre of gravity is one centre, the person globally takes on the qualities of these centres. For example man number 3, are very slow to decide, they think a lot, they analyse a lot, they compare a lot, they reason a lot, they can be cold, they can be socially awkward, they can be bland, work in very intellectual occupations of course, have a lot of opinions and concepts, be very astute and some times be quite complicated to the point of being stupid etc. etc.

🌟Man number 4 is the balanced man. The man who uses all three brains in balance. To do this one needs a good amount of work and consciousness. One has to really know the orbit of each centre and know which centre answers the varying circumstances of life best. To govern the centres of the human machine one needs the consciousness or essence present most of the time.

🌟Man number 4 has also been described as the good house keeper. The one who is responsible for his or her interior. The one who cleans his/her psychological house regularly and the one who knows very well that his or she is responsible for everything that goes on inside of them. Any and every thought and feeling pleasant or unpleasant is because of ourselves, not because of another. 

🌟Man number 4, right speaking has a permanent centre of gravity in his or her essence. Therefore man number 4 is he essence most of the time. Man number 4 has created the psychological moon in him or herself. Man number 4 knows that he or she is an essence and works constantly to not get identified with the ego or personality.

🌟Man number 5 has the real solar astral body. Meaning that such a person has created his or her own world of emotions. One has an authentically organised emotional dimension, where the true sentiments of the inner Being can manifest. True sentiments are the sentiments of the Being that do not change or come and go like the ordinary emotions do. The values of the Being emotionally are expressed through true sentiments. The key to build the solar astral body is to transform impressions.

🌟Man number 6 has the real solar mental body. This is someone who has created their own mind. Like a structure for their mind. We all have mind yes, which is really only the manasic substance, known as the matter of the mind. The solar mental body is something different and above that. This means that one has created their own mental dimension and so one can proceed to rightfully know it all and conquer it all as one has created. One has the legitimate right to know and control what one has created. Master Samael says that with the mental body one can perceive the universal mind and receive the knowledge and intelligence that is held in reserve within the cosmic mind. The key to build the solar mental body is to balance mind and action.

🌟Man number 7 has the real solar causal body or body of will. This is also known as the solar man. Such a man has created his or her causal dimension, the world of will, which commands all the bodies and dimensions below. Here the world of will is precisely where the human soul can descend to, to inhabit and take up command. This is known as the mastery and also as the solar man. Because then the solar principles can be manifested in the human being. The key to build the solar causal body is to obey the will of the Father.

🌟 The Sun wishes to harvest solar men. The seeds of the solar man are in our sexual energy. The Sun always makes the seeds of nature to be cultivated to germinate. So if we follow the solar principles and practices we shine the sun on those seeds and we make them to germinate within us producing the solar man.

End (4033).

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