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Saturday 23 January 2021

With the Mental Storms - (4034)

Here are some short points that may help you if you ever find yourself in the middle of a mental storm.

In a mental storm the real priority is to get your mind quiet or be able to forget the issue!

I know that it sounds totally like the worst thing to do, but it is the best. I know we believe so firmly that we must solve the issue with the mind, but that is not the best thing. I repeat that is not the best thing to try and do.

So many times what we work out with the mind gets undone in seconds or contradicted so shockingly.

The is to get both mind and heart to coincide and that is really done with the help of the consciousness. Anyhow, read on a bit...

Persisting to be in our mind following all the different and opposing thoughts doesn't allow us to see anything that can really help us. We end up going around in circles, getting nowhere and becoming really tired and frustrated.

With the mind quiet or quieter we can SEE!

With the mind quieter and more at peace we can reflect properly with the mind quieter, we can contact the heart and get a different picture.

So the most important thing to do is to relieve yourself of mental pressure, give yourself time to quieten the mind. Let go of all thinking, thoughts, images, memories, associations everything. Notice them and let them go until the mind begins to relax. Then when relaxed reflect, see, consult etc.

If we see only one day at a time we can manage, but if we try to see into the future it looks way to overwhelming. So forget about seeing the future and look only to the day you are living right now. The events of the day we can manage.

End (4034).

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