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Tuesday 26 January 2021

Three Responses to the Tests - (4038)

There are three general responses to the genuine tests that people are submitted to.

1.) Total unawareness of the test resulting in total failure. The ego is so strong that it reacts instantly and naturally, and because the person is so asleep in the area of the test, the person consequently finds it so right and natural to act with the ego. The person may not even be aware the has taken control.

2.) What test? The person is so developed in that area that they act naturally with the essence and pass the test with flying colours.

3.) A fight. The essence knows the right thing to do but yet the ego is so strong and there is a fight between the two. The result can be passing with difficulty and some delay or the result can be failing with much remorse to be felt later.

End (4038).

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