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Tuesday 23 February 2021

Balance is the Way the Two Opposites Relate to Each Other - (4073)

How can two opposite things relate to one another? It at first seems that they are so incompatible and there is no way that they can relate, it seems that they should just remain distant or in a state of eternal antagonism.

It really seems at times that for the two opposites to relate there has to be some magic at work or something special to make that happen.

But life, creation, the cosmos, the consciousness, nature etc. etc. shows us that there is a magic way in which the two opposites can relate and can maintain a relationship.

In fact the opposites meet all the time and their meeting makes up a whole. Life depends upon them meeting.

That magic reconciling of the two opposites is balance or the consciousness. So in other words when two opposites come together there is an opportunity for consciousness to be put into action, even for consciousness to be awoken and even expanded.

A third factor can unite the two opposites. The third factor is the solution, the key of the relationship between the two.

The work can unite the two opposites, and their union creates the opportunity for consciousness to be used more often, and it even allows for more consciousness to be awoken.  

End (4073).

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