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Sunday 21 February 2021

Knowing Oneself - (4071)

The real knowing of oneself is not such an easy thing at times.

It is really to wonder into unknown territory which at first and for a while until we assimilate it, it is something unnerving. To meet a part of ourselves, previously unknown to ourselves and a part that we don't particularly like. 

Master Samael said that the more he rejected evil the more he fell into it.

For sure, all unknown to us, are things that dwell in us that are parts that we have always worked against and have always disliked, and have even regarded as doing the opposite of them as being our saving grace. 

Of course in really knowing ourselves we mostly pass through many disappointments and disillusions with ourselves. Due to our false self-concept. Of course there are also some pleasant surprises.

It is the role of the Typhon Baphomet to show us these sides of ourselves.

Of course a deal of force is needed on His part to bring those things out and to organise physical circumstances and internal ones if required to bring those things out. Of course He must bring them out such that we can see them as clear as day so that there is no escape from having to accept them.

The Typhon comes when the consciousness is prepared enough. The primary level of preparation is that the essence will not escape having to accept.

Certainly it is so true that accepting is the only way forward of training ourselves towards finally comprehending and eliminating that side to ourselves and with elimination giving to rise to a new and better side of ourselves.   

Thus the Typhon whitens a patch of his dark skin through us and our work which also as we co-operate with him we make it his work too.

End (4071).

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