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Wednesday 10 February 2021

How Do we Know we have Love in Our Being? - (4058)

How do we know have love in our Being and we are that love? Logically e can say we are our essence and we are the essence. So we are love.

We may know it intellectually but that does not help when the ego appears!

We feel the love you may say. Yes, that is a point, but what is better is that we emanate it, send it, radiate it back to the source inside of us!

Here's the simple arrow:

Feel it > pray it > radiate it > act it.

When we act it we know it.

This realisation and action is something that cures many wounds from the past in us, displaces the painful egos of self-love and self-importance and weakens them.

This knowledge is especially useful to displace those egos mentioned above and any other egos that have the feeling that we are lacking, below, displaced, disapproved, not valued, not appreciated, not valid etc. etc. Always though there is some kind of comparison to feel this way, some reference point...

There is also that feeling of not being worthy of love. Such feelings, if we observer ourselves carefully  follow after thoughts about not being loving towards others. So those feelings of not being worthy of love are due to not loving others really, not emanating love or not finding the love that we have in our essence and in our Being. Makes sense doesn't it? It is like a logical conclusion that our subconscious makes, because we don't love others we don't deserve love. The remedy is to love others and such feelings disappear.

End (4058).

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