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Wednesday 10 February 2021

Ninth Sphere Notes Continued Part 1 - (4059)

Continuing on from a previous post...

By the very nature of the ninth sphere, it implies the work with sex. However, this work is very extensive and interpenetrating into so much of our nature, so much so that it is a work of facing oneself. The ninth sphere is the world in which we move, it reflects in what we live out. 

If we change the way we think, feel and act our ninth sphere changes and the world in which we live changes also.

In the ninth sphere we encounter our Typhon. It is actually ruled by our Typhon. So therefore in the ninth sphere that is where we face our passions as they , our instincts, our desires etc. 

We steal the fire from the Typhon by transmuting. In our daily life we steal the light through our psychological work.

We need preparation really to work in the ninth sphere. The goal is to descend, work there and then ascend. To descend we don't need preparation, to work there and ascend we need preparation. WE NEED PREPARATION!!!

Any person, single or married in their right mind will agree that people need preparation if they are to really work there in the ninth sphere and not get stuck there and fail miserably.

Master Samael says few are those who know how to descend and then ascend out of the ninth sphere. 

Anyone can descend but it is not the case that everyone ascends. The common in life, is that once someone descends they remain there stuck.

As soon as the sexual connection is made both descend into the ninth sphere. The ninth sphere in the Earth and into their own subconscious and it is from there is where each must ascend.

The cross is actually driven into the ninth sphere. It has its roots extending into the depths of the ninth sphere.

The biggest mistake that people make when working in the ninth sphere is that they descend but do not raise their level of Being. We forget to raise our level of the Being! Transmuting helps but that is not enough!

So then people transmute filling themselves with energy and they end up feeding their egos and one day those egos just explode and we are like any other person in life who explodes from time to time or more often.

To actually arrive at the meeting point on the cross of where the vertical meets the horizontal we have to have descended and then raised our level of the being enough along the vertical to hit the meeting point.

The meeting point is where the balance is and where the balance in the work of the ninth sphere is won. In practical terms this means when one controls that work and is able to really take advantage of that sphere in order to work. After arriving at the balance or cross-over point on the cross, then only higher and higher levels of the Being are conquered.

Why the talk of the cross? Because Lucifer and the Christ are one. As we triumph over Lucifer we go more to the Christ and the cross is the Christ, which is the crossing of matter and spirit.

More to come in a new post - Part 2.

End (4059).

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