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Wednesday 3 February 2021

Idolatry of the Sexual - (4053)

An interesting point is this one. 

Within the fascinating or hypnotising power that lust has is this element of idolising sex. If the hypnotic power of lust is somehow diminished the idolising of sex will also diminish.

This element explains why so many people imitate in their sexuality the impressions that are propagated here and there.

No one would care or even think about imitating something that was not of a idol like status.

Anything that is not the Being in ourselves is a false idol. The real and true idol is really our Inner Being. 

There are people and that is all they talk about, because they idolise the sexual and all its ramifications, offshoots, implications and connotations etc. 

There are people that most of their life revolves around sex. There are people where their inner life is nearly all about sex and the sexual, nearly all that they say has a double meaning related to sex.

It is the origin of our existence and its energy of creativity and life is everywhere and in everything but the sexual act and the sexual is not part of work at the office, or on the bus or walking in the city or driving the car or doing things at home or studying at university or at school or walking the dog down the street etc. 

To give it idol status is a mistake. To give something idol status means to make it the centre of our life, to give nearly all our mind and heart to something. Sex is from the Being and is of the Being, however giving it idol status divorces it from the Being.

The correct thing to do is to give the Being idol status and then see sexuality as something for the Being and used within the Being. Then we get it right. 

Well anyway the most important thing here is to see if this point of idolatry is true, and if it is, begin to reflect and see if really the idolatry of the sexual exists within us and if it does, does it have too much importance, is it is too exaggerated etc.? If it is then we have the remedy, which is to give the Being first place and see sexuality for the Being and used within the principles and qualities of the Being. 

Sexual energy, sexuality, sexual act etc., all come from the Being, not that the Being comes from sex or the sexual act. 

End (4053).

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