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Thursday 4 February 2021

Level of Being - (4055)

Our level of the Being is elastic, it varies depending on what we do. But the variation is not what interests us, it is the base level that interests us. We need to raise our base level. What is our base level? Hard to know fully. Well we can glimpse it based on our internal company. What is going on inside of ourselves - how much negativity is there in our thoughts and of what order, of what type?

We may pray and our level of Being rises, but then we get angry and start swearing and our level goes down again. What is our base level?

Anyway the way we raise our level of Being is by lifting that base, which is done through lots of self-observation, lots of comprehension and lots of effort to grab onto the change and make it stick, that is make it ourselves.

Changing the negativity of our thoughts is a good start in relation to any or all of the egos. To bring in the values and use them to modify our thoughts to be in accordance with those values. This will give us much contrast to use to work on ourselves to be able to raise our level of the Being.

Pride and lust are the factors that keep our level of the Being low the most. They are the heaviest elements for our level of the Being.

The most important thing related to our level of Being is knowing ourselves. We have to know ourselves deeply, deeply to be able to go upwards in the level of the Being.

End (4055).

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