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Sunday 7 February 2021

Ninth Sphere Notes - (4052)


Some notes about what for me anyway was always a very enigmatic topic in Gnosis.


🔘A sphere is circle projected into three dimensions or four dimensions or more to form a hypersphere. A circle is a unity, something complete and closed. Making a sphere to be a globe or in other words a world. Because a world, taking after a circle is something complete in itself, with its own functions and characteristics. 

🔘So the ninth sphere by rights is a world. A whole world. A world that we can enter, with its own special functions and characteristics, of which this post is about.

🔘A world that is the origin of other worlds, beasts, men and Gods.

🔘A world that we actually descend into, not a world that we rise into, but one that we descend into.

🔘A world that we have come from and a world we can descend into in order to encounter ourselves, in our very base primordial nature, i.e. which turns out to be our base passions and instincts to reproduce, sleep, eat, survive, run, escape etc.

🔘Any exaltation is preceded by a descent. To rise we must descend. The place of maximum knowing to descend into is the ninth sphere.

🔘The ninth sphere is the very bottom circle or sphere of the abyss. The sphere that synthesises all of the preceding eight. 

🔘The magical number nine has to do with gestation, the nine months in the womb that any human child takes to gestate before being born.

🔘Typically it is understood as being sex. The work with sex. The work in the Alchemy. This is true of course yet there is much more to see about it.

🔘The ninth sphere is the matrix the womb where beasts, men, Gods and worlds are formed. A world that synthesises all that is required for the formation of beasts, Gods, men and worlds. Very important right to know ourselves right?

🔘There is the ninth sphere at the very centre of the earth where Master Samael says we find the sign of the infinite which represents the three brains, and the battles that exists between the three brains. Human beings are organised according to this basic design of the sign of the infinite, two circles and a joining point - representing: intellect, heart and sex.  

🔘We have come from the ninth sphere and from the ninth sphere we launch ourselves towards heaven or it is where we descend to via the processes of involution and it is from there that we ascend from through the process of evolution. It is an origin or point of departure or the crossing of two circles, one of involution and evolution and the other of liberation.

🔘In the ninth sphere is the process of birth. After the appropriate in the ninth sphere has elapsed one is ready to be born as an angel or as an demon. The processes in the ninth sphere and the forces running through the ninth sphere prepare for a new life, as an angel, as a demon or as an elemental emerging from the abyss pure and innocent ready start its evolution to life under the sun as a human being. 

🔘Master Samael says in the very practical sense, in the ninth sphere are to be found the creative forces of sex. He says that the work in the ninth sphere is the work transmuting those creative energies.

More on its a new post.

End (4052). 

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