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Tuesday 9 February 2021

Right Attitude Towards Karma - (4060)

Having the right attitude before anything makes a world of difference. Karma included.

Some people can be become very bitter before karma. People can protest and complain. People can hate karma, even come to hate the word and even hate the Divinities that administer it.

The truth is the Divinities that administer the karma are not punishing us. It is us that are punishing ourselves. 

We did it to ourselves. Because we did something, the poor Divinities of the Divine Law have to work out a way for us to suffer our consequences.

Karma is mathematical, it is exact. Justice is a fine line remember. We can trust that we won't pay more than we owe.

Part of the correct attitude is to actually pay not to add more debt to ourselves. We do this majorly by continuing to act wrongly accumulating more karma, when we know we are doing wrong.

To do wrong knowingly has a higher price than doing with ignorance.

Master Samael says complaining makes things worse before the Divine Law, as it shows that we are not taking responsibility.  

There is always something hidden in every karmic circumstance. In general that something hidden is called: 'compensation'. There exists a secret compensation of something for something...

Karma teaches us unity. To affect another is the exact same thing as affecting ourselves.

Karma is balance in progress. So that's good. Every payment or experience of karma is taking us closer to balance, and balance is not painful, it is peace, stability and consciousness. 

Karma is a medicine for the soul. It is a very good learning for the essence. To know what we have done and for goodness sake not to repeat it.

Karma hurts, yes it does, but what we can say, we should have thought of that before we hurt others or our interior Divinity. Our own fault for not taking that into account.

Basically we pay our debts with good works.

End (4060).

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