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Tuesday 2 March 2021

A Reflection on the Conquest Attribute in the Sexual Energy - (4074)


This post is a reflection on one of the attributes present within the sexual energy. Please note, it is only a reflection.

Within the sexual energy there are so many elements, factors, qualities, attributes, properties, characteristics... It has to be that way as the sexual energy is what gives rise to life, and life as we know is composed of an infinite number of qualities, attributes, characteristics and properties...

Some of these attributes, qualities and characteristics can manifest here in the physical world, but more importantly I think, some of these attributes can be used by us consciously to help ourselves in our work. The attribute of conquest I think is one of them.

One of the many attributes latent in the sexual energy is conquest. Master Samael says in the "Perfect Matrimony" the following:

"The semen is the astral liquid of man. In the semen is the Astral Light. The semen is the key of all powers and the key to all empires. The Astral Light has two poles, one positive, the other negative. The ascending serpent is positive. The descending serpent is negative. When it rises, it is the Serpent of Bronze that healed the Israelites in the desert. When it descends, it is the Tempting Serpent of Eden."

The above quote indicates to us that there is something of an attribute of power in the sexual energy. There is also something there of conquest ('empires'). Power and conquest usually go hand in hand as power helps to make conquest possible.

Conquest Attribute

Esoterically/Inwardly Speaking

Esoterically speaking the transmuted sexual energy conquers the heavens and higher states of consciousness. The kundalini fire awakened from within the power of sex, rises up the spinal column conquering each vertebra, allowing the consciousness to assimilate its mysteries, make new realizations and learn the new abilities, that each vertebra holds. 

The sexual energy in the form of Kundalini creates the solar bodies, allowing the inner Being to conquer the superior dimensions, and giving the Being a presence in the higher dimensions of nature. 

The sexual energy as the creator of everything gives the Being the power to conquer creation by creating It's own inner universe, just the same as what has been created outside.

Externally Speaking

As the sexual energy can polarise itself in duality. We can see that the attribute of conquest can have an external expression as well. 

We see an example of conquering in the opposite polarity in the classic case of the Mozart opera of Don Giovani, where in one aria Don Giovani recounts in numbers all his sexual conquests, singing how in Italy the number was: 640, in Germany: 231, in France: 100, in Turkey: 91 and in Spain: 1003. This is a very old archetype that has been around since the fall of the humankind, and of course many people across the centuries have many fitted the boots of a Don Giovanni. 

A scene from the opera: Don Giovani

Don Giovanni is an example of that aspect of a person using the sexual energy, as a way of conquering in matter in the external field of physical life. Each conquest is like an achievement, an attainment, a kind of realisation or validation. There are men for example who have their little black book and take great pride and identity in that.

On the other side in the Being the conquest attribute allows the inner Being to complete it’s mission or reason for coming to creation, giving it the fulfilment of realisation.


A very useful application of the conquest aspect of the sexual energy comes into effect when it is used to conquer oneself. Especially used to conquer our inferior nature. When we transmute, we conquer the impetuous waters of life and many of our other impulses and desires. When a person transmutes they are victorious over many aspects of their inferior nature. The transmuted energy rises to the brain and heart charging the person with energy so that this energy can be used to quieten the mind, or thrown against ego to dissolve it or either sent to our consciousness to strengthen it helping it to awaken.

When we use the transmuted sexual energy this way we see that our essence or consciousness receives power over the parts of ourselves that make us suffer, and when we find great value in that we then really begin to undo this negative crystallization of the aspect of conquest in the sexual energy.

The greatest conquest of all is the human being conquering him or herself and the sexual energy wisely employed plays a pivotal role in that conquest.

The conclusion of this post is that once again, that the key, the solution, the remedy is: transmutation, however transmutation done with consciousness. I'll explain a bit more in the next paragraph.

Where the way we would employ the above key would be to be conscious that the sexual energy contains the power of conquest, and then we would transmute, transferring the transmuted energy into  our consciousness and will for it to be used to conquer the mind or dissolve the links that give our mind the edge over our consciousness or will. 

End (4074).

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