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Tuesday 2 March 2021

A Big Part of Magic is Acceptance and Belief - (4079)

A key of magic to enter into it and develop it, is to really accept it and really believe in it. I mean totally whole heartedly, when we do that the particular value of it involved begins to enter us.

A skeptical person is one who rejects even the idea of magic and any value that it has to offer, and so nothing of magic can even touch them. 

Before we can experience something we have to accept or believe. Then once there is experience we can leave behind belief for knowing. 

Sometimes behind our initial belief there is knowing from remote times, of which we don't remember. 

Belief accumulates via practice. As it accumulates it turns into a kind of power. Then something can happen.

This applies for all kinds of magic, right or wrong. All those who do act magically all believe in it, esoterically white or black, right or left etc.

End (4079). 

1 comment:

  1. It is necessary that the Great Work and the psychological work become supported by faith, because faith is manifested through deeds.

    Faith is not empirical; we have to fabricate it. Faith is fabricated by studying oneself and by experimenting with oneself.

    - Samael Aun Weor, The Revolution of the Dialectic

    Here we think a note upon faith should be of interest. Initiates say that its meaning has been misunderstood. Faith, as the world uses it, possesses no spiritual nature; though in the secondary system it means power and energy applied to action. All success in Yoga comes from this application; for the true quality of faith is a Solar force that illumines the mind and attracts to it atoms of power and energy.

    More human wrecks have resulted from the misconception of this quality than man realises.

    When Jesus used this word in the sentence "If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed," He meant that one could work miracles if one possessed the atomic energy contained within a mustard seed. But in this world of illusion this is reversed, and the weak man sits still and believes that all will come to him if he has faith. It is not a force that should only be applied to religious belief. It is the power of the Innermost working through the densities of our bodies, and the more we respond to it the greater will be our powers.

    - M, Dayspring of Youth
