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Sunday 21 March 2021

Humility Essential Value for the Path Posts: Benefits of - (4096)

Humility is the most beautiful thing. It confers inner beauty. 

The will to be humble is the beauty of Tiphereth. The so called coveted inner beauty appears more and more, the more humility we have. The outside beauty counts for very little compared to inner beauty. In fact when the inner beauty of humility is lacking one has no other resort than to compensate with vanity concentrated on the exterior. Whether it be of the intellect, the body or anything else.

With humility we are closer to our human soul, as its maximum virtue is humility. The human soul is Tiphereth. When we have humility we can see the presence of humility and consequently the beauty in others.

How beautiful it is to see and deal with a humble person. How difficult it is to deal with a proud and arrogant person: all their coarse words, rough tones, sharp looks, reprimands, demands, tension, belittling etc.

Humility opens doors.

A humble person is one that can be trusted and so opportunities are given. A humble person is one that trusts in justice. A humble person does not exceed justice for personal gain or person desire. A humble person does not usually ask for more, and respects the limits of the situation, inspiring trust. New doors are always usually opened based on trust.

Humility bears the power of sacrifice.

When we look closely, we find that humility carries sacrifice. We find that there is much sacrifice or egotistical will. The humble person often sacrifices egoical will to do what is right and to not surpass certain limits.  

Humility pays off karma consciously really well. In fact just to recognise that we have karma requires humility. To accept that we have karma requires even more humility.

Humility is naturalness.

Humility when genuine makes one relaxed and natural as there is no pressure from inside of oneself to be anything that one is not. with humility there are no pretenses. What we are, what we know, what we can do is what we offer in the moment and all are free to accept that or look to something else. 

No one likes a proud and arrogant person. A humble person will not be neglected or left alone.

That speaks for itself who really likes an arrogant person. They are so full of themselves and are so selfish and don't like anyone. They only like others as long as others agree with them and do what they say.

The humble person has the right to express his or her reality and do what is right for him or her. Because to do things that are not right for the humble is to break humility. 

A humble person will not bend backwards to please others, because the humble person is not really interested in egoical gains, that is not interested to be seen as more in front of others. 

A humble person does not see him or herself as more than others. A humble person cares for the dignity of others and acts to respect it and in so doing brings dignity to itself.  


No price to pay for humility but an exaltation later on based on merits.

A humble person is one that works and understands that everything has a price and hat we are no exception we are not above the law and we are no better than others that we can get things for free on a silver platter while others have to work for it.

Humility allows one to learn.

Of course, humility knows what we know and don't know. It doesn't assume that it knows everything or knows better than everyone else. A humble person can be taught.

Humility allows one to listen.

A proud person only listens to him or herself. A humble person is not so full of him or herself and knows what the ego is and knows not to listen too much to it because it is false. The humble person appreciates wisdom and knows that one does not know everything and knows one is not always right and knows that one often makes mistakes and knows one needs help... 

Humility allows loyalty and with loyalty comes great things. Loyal to one's master brings in time all that one wished for.

With pride we are loyal to only ourselves. Humility makes space in us for other things that are not our egoic self. Such as space for the Being and space for others. This is loyalty. The opposite of loyalty is just going with our own interests and desires which always takes us with the better offer and to whoever is offering that.

The humble person acquires the backing of the Divine Law. 

This is because the humble person is just and honest.

Humility opens the way for other values to be cultivated.

This is easy to see as humility creates more space within us for our Being. With there being more space the same Being in us will call for more of Its values to be cultivated.

Humility is not angry.

Pride is the one that gets angry. Humility instead links to patience and respect. Whereas pride links to and uses the opposite of patience and respect. It uses anger and jumps over various lines of respect.

Humility does not fall. Pride is the one that falls!

This is the biggest advantage of humility. As humility is not false and does not assume positions or places that are outside of a real supported structure it represents what is real and stable.

Pride sets one up nicely to fall, especially as it builds things on false bases. Pride leads one to many mistakes overstepping many lines. 

yet to be completed…

End (4096).

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