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Sunday 21 March 2021

Humility Essential Value for the Path: What is it? - (4094)


What I am going to do in this post is to write what comes to me about what humility is. I'm not going to follow any order, just what surfaces.

Of course it is only for reflection, to sift through if you like, and think about or not what seems worthwhile. 


Humility is a conscious state, it is know and understand in reality our place in the cosmos. Once we know our real place, humility is to think, feel and act in accordance with that. 

If we do not have pride in our human machine we are humble.

Humility presents the facts but does not exaggerate nor underrate them.

To be humble is to not be more or less than what we are in our place. It is also to be in our place and not below or above it. 

What is our place? So many things. But it is what we are as an essence, as a human being, it is not something cultural, but yet our place varies from scenario to scenario from scene to scene from environment to environment and from activity to activity. At work for example, we are not the boss or in the city streets we are not the Lord Mayor, unless we really are.

To be humble is to be in balance, that is - balanced in our place, as the above two sentences are alluding to.

When we don't know our place we act over and above it. To accept our place we need humility. To be humble is to see the reality of our place. It is not to dream believing in images of grandeur that we are bigger, more exalted, more deserving of a higher place, or unworthy of the place we have etc. etc. 

We don't know our place because we don't see reality. To see reality is to come to see our place, and when we see our real place and we occupy it peacefully we are humble. 

Knowing ourselves deeply makes us to see our own reality. Humility is the result of deep self-knowledge.

When we don't know ourselves and when we have not accepted ourselves they way we currently are with all of our short comings, limited capacities and faults we inevitably fall into images and beliefs of grandeur and greatness, which are of course all false, yet we believe in them.

To be humble is to be awake to reality in slowly increasing degrees. To not be humble is to be dreaming. Sleeping is believing in the unreal.


Master Samael says in the grand scheme of things we don't have much to be very proud of - thinking ourselves to be so great, when cosmically that is certainly not the case. He says that the planet earth is a but a speck of sand in the whole cosmos and we are even tremendously smaller and less important than that speck of sand.  

Humility is really understood well when we take into account the interior Divinity. Because when we know we are an essence that has been derived from Its Being we know our place in front of our Inner Being. Our Being was before us and It is our origin and destination, we are here by virtue of It, It is the reason why we 'are'. It is certainly not the other way around. What is here on earth (where we are) is because of what is above in the heavens (where our Being is). 

Humility sees that we are an essence and as an essence we are a vehicle of a great Monad. All the Monads are great by the way. I don't think we have enough experience to say our Monad is more or less than another's Monad.

Humility is also justice. Master Samael says that justice is the worst enemy of pride. Humility obeys justice. To be balanced and just means to give the right proportion to everything. Humility is capable of doing that, where as pride always gives itself the more or the less. If it gives itself the less it does so to be more. 

Humility is something that allows us to escape relativity. Pride is well entrenched in relativity. Wining and losing are all in pride whereas winning or losing is something outside of humility's interests. Humility wishes to do our best, that is its absolute. Whereas pride does not have an absolute and it wishes for the best among others but this is always impossible, hence there is no real absolute of pride.

Humility understands that there are and always will be others above us and others below us on a ladder that stretches infinitely upwards and downwards. Where are we we don't know and we can't say either, all that matters is to continue. So humility continues quietly and undeterred, whereas pride stops, cries, gives up, rejoices, celebrates, wins and loses - dramas and more dramas. 

There is false humility, which is pride trying to be more by pretending to be less or below. As it is pride in action behind false humility, false humility does not have genuine value, especially if done on purpose.

Humility knows that we are the same as others. It is does not have so many illusions. Whereas pride for believes that we are better than others, or have special rights above others all for some unjustified reason.

Humility is not a bubble, while vanity, pride, self-importance ae bubbles, bottles and being full of ourselves, where as humility is akin to a kind of emptiness. And in such emptiness there is space for the essence, for 'being' and even for the Being.

Humility is less self and more space for Being. That is why it has so much value! 

To be humble before God implies so many things. Trust, faith, obedience, loyalty, recognition, acceptance, sacrifice of egotistical will, emptiness of self, more essence etc.


More to come...

End (4094). 

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