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Monday 1 March 2021

Hydrogen Si-12 (Sexual Energy General) Notes - (4040)


Here are some notes for the Hydrogen Si-12 lecture. 


Hydrogens have all to do with matter and energy in our constitution and in the universe. To put it simply we can understand a hydrogen as a class of energy or a class of substance, where matter and energy are interchangeable. 

There are many classes of hydrogens and each vary by how they tend towards matter or how much they tend towards energy.

The more refined and powerful hydrogens are those that are more energy in nature. The heavier and denser hydrogens are those that are more matter than energy.

A word that goes hand in hand with hydrogens is transformation. The marvelous thing about the hydrogens is that they undergo constant transformation - the transformation of matter into energy.

Via the process of conscious transformation a person can transform the hydrogens to higher and higher octaves. Even as high as Hydrogen 1 which nourishes the highest bodies of the Being.

That of the hydrogens is a difficult topic and can seem complicated. So the best thing to do is to approach it practically. So one can, in general terms talk about the sexual energy.

Hydrogen Si-12

Hydrogen Si-12 Master Samael says is the transmuted sexual energy.

The transmuted sexual energy Hydrogen Si-12 comes from the sexual energy that is made by the body. This is known as the raw sexual energy.

The raw sexual energy is the best product that the body makes. The raw sexual energy is the best result of the body. Its prime, premier product. The best sum total result of all its processes.

It has to be so, as the sexual energy contains the seed, the blueprint of the human being within it. Within it is enclosed the potential for the creation of another or several other human beings. It includes the seed material, the seed intelligence, the seed energy to spark the life of another human being. It just has to be the best thing the body can produce. It in fact synthesizes all that a human being is.

We are told that the sexual energy is the result of the food we eat, the air we breathe and what we think, feel and do. In other words the impressions have much to do with the fabrication of our sexual energy.

This by itself is a very interesting point. According to the impressions that we take in, we can set up the quality of our sexual energy. If a person receives a lot of impressions of a certain kind the result will be that the sexual energy the body produces, will lean towards responding more sensitively to those impressions that were being received when it was being created. Hence depending on the impressions received will be the quality of the sexual energy, and the quality of the sexual energy determines in some way the quality of thought, feeling and action. Which in turn influences one's level of Being. 

There are qualities and qualities of sexual energy. 

It by its nature, is very hard to store. It is very dynamic and volatile. It either goes in or out.

It has the potential to explode. In attacks of anger, lust, pride etc. There is no outburst without the sexual energy being used or participating in some way.

It works with imagination and will. In fact it forms a triangle of creative power with will and imagination. 

It can be controlled by the breath. This is so, as breath is life and sexual energy is also life. They are intimately related. If we can control our breath we can also control our somewhat our sexual energy.

It has two movements: in and upwards or downwards and out.

It has two polarities. It is subject to the law of Polarity. It polarises into two sides. Not three or seven but two, it is binary.


From the sexual energy derives all the other energies which the other centres employ to carry out their functions. The other centres use a derivation of the sexual energy, a denser hydrogen version of it.

Unfortunately it is not hermetically sealed. Its energies can be plundered as Master Samael says. Through losing it physically or by psychically via the many different egos that we have. Many elements within us steal from the sexual energy.

The sexual energy is the lightest and therefore the quickest. The intellectual energy is the heaviest and most derived hydrogen and therefore this makes the intellectual centre the slowest.

The sexual energy creates the human being and therefore it holds the unique and legitimate right to modify the human being. 

In the sexual energy is magnetism and electricity.

The sexual energy feeds the brain and heart. The brain is like a sponge or esoterically speaking a chalice. The chalice of our brain is filled with wine when we transmute well our sexual energy.

The sexual energy travels through so many fine channels within our body. Our negative attitudes block these channels and cause the sexual energy to divert their flow and enter other channels where they provoke irritation and agitation which can often lead to angry outbursts that are surprisingly powerful or violent even.

We shouldn't suppress sexual energy for the above reason but rather channel it inwards and upwards, in other words transmute it.

The sexual energy can be retained of course, yet if it does not move either in or out, it can involute or begin to rot so to speak, where it then causes various side effects in the person. Which grows more intense the longer the sexual energy is retained for and not either moved via transmutation or loss. 

These effects were to produce certain vibrations which produced something of a division in the psychology of the person, where on one side they were mystical and holy (half pretend half real) but then on the other side, they were so cruel and cynical and would easily punish or send people even an innocent person to torture and death. 

In short, it created two faces in a person. One face where they would do the right thing and one face where they would secretly or openly (where acceptable) do the wrong thing, because the sexual energy having been already diverted pushed them into the wrong side of things.

End (4040).

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