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Tuesday 16 March 2021

Keys for Life Taught by Our Centres - (4072)


This post is a short list of some very important keys relating to the centres of the human machine. If we live by these keys we can be sure to enjoy life and live it much more consciously.

Once again these are not my keys, they are keys that Gnosis gives to us. I'm just presenting them and trying to apply them in my limited capacity.

One - Align the Centres

Our centres are in constant conflict. Mind and emotion often disagree. Often the disagreement between centres produces contradictions, which is unpleasant.

Inner battles and contradictions only bring unhappiness. The key to be happy is to bring all of our centres into agreement.

We are the weakest when our centres are in disagreement. Our health suffers dearly in such a state.

We are the strongest when our centres are aligned, that is all in agreement.

Two - A Bit from Each Centre

Seeing or taking life with just one centre is never correct. The more complete and truest appreciation of any event of life comes from seeing the event from the angles of all of our centres.

So to obtain the balanced view of any event, bring the thinking that each centre offers into your awareness. Because indeed, each centre has its language and its particular kind of thinking. Each centre thinks and sees things from its own angle. From an intellectual angle, from an emotional angle, from a doing angle etc. etc.

If we are overly emotional in an event, we can always be sure we are not taking the event or seeing the event correctly. This is true 100% of the time.

Three - Emotional Centre

This centre is the seat of our balance. It often defeats the other centres. What is in the emotional centre always comes down into action. If we convince our emotional centre we will act accordingly. It is the middle man between thought and action and often in business deals we know the middle man is the one that does the best.

If we keep our emotional centre present and interested we can sustain the work for any cause for as long as we like. The emotional centre allows us to penetrate into anything we study. It expresses inspiration and enthusiasm. It is also a lot like fire.

Four - Balance

When there is balance there is happiness, pain is absent. so when our centres are balanced we will feel contentment.

Balance occurs when there is participation of all three brains. Things flow through all of them, that is they do not get stuck in just one or two brains. 

Like for example, in a friendship, for it to be of a good quality there must be friendship or compatibility or concordance in the intellect, emotional and action. 

Five - Conserve and Equalise

To be healthy and happy we must conserve the energies of the centres. To do this employ a cycle. Some intellect, then some emotion, then some motor. Not spending too much time using each centre.

One centre often becomes a crutch for us. We tend to rely on one centre more than any other.

When we abuse a centre it aches, like a head ache, and doing this often begins to deplete the energies of this centre earlier than need be.

Six - Sphere of Action

Each centre has its limits, uses and benefits. Know them and use them where most fitting. Don't just use one centre all the time. Or don't use the wrong centre for the event. The right centre will balance the event. 

For example another person has out of control emotions then use your intellectual centre to see to analyse or your motor centre to fix, arrange, produce a solution.

End (4072).

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