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Monday 15 March 2021

Human Machine Notes - (4089)


Here are some notes for the human machine lecture.


Our body is an instrument. When we really think about it, it is a marvelous instrument. It is a temple. It is a house. It is a synthesis of the principles and laws of the cosmos. It is a mini universe. Even though so much is yet to know about it, it still remains at large a mystery. Giving us some validation that it indeed is the depository of some vast almost infinite amount of knowledge.

Gnosis is interested in the development of the essence. Not so in much developing the body. It is paramount though to keep the body healthy and functioning well at all times.

For the work on ourselves we need a healthy mind and body. Sometimes before we can really do any kind of spiritual work it is important to get healthy physically and mentally first before anything else.

What interests us the most are the centres of the body. Because they are the bridges that link our body to our psychology. 

Gnosis is interested in the development of the essence. The centres of the body link the body to the essence. So by knowing the centres we get to know our essence.

Also knowing our centres we know our life. Because our life, is experienced through the centres. We can't experience life in a way that goes outside of the centres. Well only as essence separated from the centres.

In fact, our essence manifests through our centres. 

All the centres are in each centre. Each centre contains a small version of the other centres.

The centers are our life. Our life unfolds as a function of our centres. 

If we know our centres we know much about our life. We know about how we function. We know our limitations, our capabilities, and we know how to be conscious in life.

The way the centres work is in such an order: Thinking, feeling and acting. This is an immutable law of the human machine. Never is it bypassed.

There are five ways of thinking available to us. One way of thinking for each centre. Therefore we may see an event in five different ways. That also explains in part why people see events differently. Because each person sees an event using a different combination of their centres.

The three brains are something very esoteric. A brain is a esoteric term meaning a kind of receptacle where the three forces of the cosmos are received. The three primary forces that is. 

Animals have two brains or one brain.  Because we have three brains we can basically create. We can modify our life and our destiny. we can create a new life and destiny for ourselves. All because we have the three forces within us. Which is a representation of the Law of Three, which always creates. No tiger, lion, shark or whale can create a new destiny for itself or become anything else than what it is. For that it must wait to acquire a human body. 

Each centre has its orbit. Its sphere of action. When we are conscious we know the extent of each sphere. When we know the extent of each sphere we know where one centre's action should end and another one should start.

The view from one centre only is never the correct one. If we view the event from all the centres we get the right view of the event and life.

Things are only real when we go through all the centres. When all three brains are engaged. When there is thinking, feeling and acting. If there is just thinking things are not complete or fully actualised or realised.

Things are only real when they reach the three brains.

The brains are often in conflict. The key to life in terms of the centres is to unify them. To align them.

Another key to life in terms of the centres is give to life a proportion of each centre. Any event of life is only appreciated in the fullest or in the most correct way when we see it and consciously take something from it with the three brains.

For example any teaching is useless unless we accept it in all three brains which culminates in applying it. Bringing it down into the motor centre. The motor centre is life.

For relationships, the best is when there is compatibility or relation in all three brains. That is why adultery exists, because a man may like his wife in two centres but sexually him and his wife are not compatible and so he looks for another woman with whom his sexual centre finds compatibility with.

The emotional centre is another significant key for life. All the balance resides in the emotional centre. If we know how to use our emotional centre we can get anything done. If we know how to put our emotional centre into things we can maintain, sustain, invigorate and improve any situation, activity and the state of affairs within us. What we feel we do.

Each centre has its different speed. With the sexual centre being the fastest and the intellect being the slowest. 

The key of changing centres is totally simple but so effective. If we have one centre out of control, that is, it is so agitated then we need to engage intensely another centre so as to displace the prominence of that agitated centre. When we do that the agitated centre will step back causing the very out of control and agitated state to subside returning to us our normal self, where we can then think and move towards  a solution or resolution.

End (4089).

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